Murphy x Reader 09.2

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Requested: More like a general request

Summary: Part II to the previous one shot

Warnings: Slight injury, profanity, literal trash writing


It was the next day, and you were working on that damned wall that Bellamy was so obsessed with. Murphy was tossing thick branches towards the people building the wall, not really caring to pay attention to where he was tossing them.

Eventually a heavy log landed on your foot and partially your ankle, sending a shooting pain up your leg. You dropped what you were holding and fell back, gripping your throbbing foot and hissing.

"Murphy," You seethed. "What the hell?"

He only rolled his eyes, dusting his hands off and waltzing away while Jasper and Monty helped you to the drop ship. Clarke carefully removed your sneaker and sock then looked your bruising foot over.

"It doesn't seem broken," she concluded. "But it's gonna be pretty swollen for awhile so you should try to stay off of it. Rest for the rest of the day, no physical labor work for three days."

You sighed, nodding to the medic girl before standing up and letting Jasper help you outside.

You decided to rest in the shade, weaving baskets like Bellamy ordered you to. Eventually the source of your pain stood in front of you.

"What do you want, Murphy?"

"Your boyfriend is pretty pissed at me. He keeps giving me dirty looks and I'm honestly beginning to feel very attacked."

You huffed, tossing the basket to the side and glaring up at the felon.

"Who are you even talking about? I don't have a boyfriend."

"Please," Murphy scoffed. "You and goggles."

"Jasper? He's my best friend, we grew up together. Why the hell would you think he and I were a thing?"

Murphy stayed silent, not wanting to confess that he had seen you two sharing a bed.

"I saw him going into your tent."

"Yeah, he has night terrors from the first day and doesn't feel comfortable sharing a bed with Monty. There's nothing romantic or sexual about it."

The blue eyed boy dropped his gaze to the ground, still having doubts about your relationship with Jasper. Why would you lie though? It's not like anyone in camp- besides Murphy- would care if you two were sleeping together.

"Why does it even matter, Murphy? Why do you care?"

"What?" He scoffed. "I don't. I'm just tired of goggles giving me dirty looks."

"Maybe you shouldn't have crushed my foot with a log."

You noticed him glance down at your injury momentarily before looking off to the side. Without another word, he plopped down beside you and began weaving a basket. You raised a brow but decide it better not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

It was silent as the two of you worked, until Murphy said the two words you never thought you'd live to hear him say.

"I'm uh.... I'm sorry."

Again, you stayed silent, not knowing how to respond. It surprised you that he had apologized at all, what with that massive ego of his. And it was incredibly cute the way his face turned pink.

"Never throw a log at me again."

Murphy smirked. "Ah... Fine. But only because you're hot."

"Why were you so angry anyway? You got something against Jasper?"

He frowned and coughed awkwardly, not making eye contact with you as he shook his head.

"Not really. I just don't think he'd be able to give you what I can."

You almost choked on your spit. Was he getting at what you thought he was getting at? Was he... Was he trying to seduce you? Was he even being serious?

"Wh-... What?"

"Nothing, doll." John chuckled and looked up at you. "Just that I know I could do more for you than he ever could. He doesn't have the power I have around here. I can get you extra rations, warmer blankets, anything you want. Not to mention what I could do for you in bed."

You only stared at the delinquent, thinking over his words. He was known to purposely humiliate people based on their weaknesses; who's to say he's not just trying to set you up? Then again, even Murphy probably wouldn't go this far just for his own entertainment.

"What are you trying to say, Murphy?"

"Whatever it is you choose to hear."

He stood up and placed the now finished basket down, walking over towards the portion of the wall that wasn't yet finished.
You watched him go, still not understanding what in the hell was happening, before focusing back on the basket.


The work day was over and everyone was gathered around the fire. Well, almost everyone.
Your (eye/colour) eyes searched the area for your favourite cocky felon. After a bit of looking, you saw him sitting alone by the dropship. You stood up and used the stick Jasper had found you as a crutch to help you walk over to him.
He looked up and raised a brow at you. Before he could say anything you tossed the stick aside, dropped to your knees and pulled Murphy into a heated kiss. Your hands were on either side of his face, gently pulling him closer, while his hands flew to your own face to pull you closer.

The kiss only lasted about a minute before you both pulled apart breathing heavily, hands still resting on the others face. Murphy pulled his lip between his teeth in contemplation, looking at you expectantly.

"Does this mean you're taking me up on my offer?"

"Yeah," you smiled. "I'd love to."

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now