Murphy x reader 04

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Requested by Jaywolf84 !
Remember to send in ideas, kiddos!

Summary: (name) and Murphy are together, but get into a fight when Murphy thinks she is cheating on him with Finn.

Warnings: Profanity (as per usual), donkey-butt Murphy


You'd been on the ground for about a week now, and your boyfriend had wasted no time making sure everyone knew that he was an ass. John Murphy was someone that adored knowing he had power over others, even if he wasn't the 'top dog'. You loved him to death but sometimes...

"Son of a bitch!"

You let out a sigh, trudging out of the drop ship to see what Murphy had gotten himself into this time.
After searching the camp for a moment, you spotted your boyfriend, who had a hold of Finn's jacket collar and vice verse. The two boys glared harshly at one another.

"What the hell, man?"

You jogged over to the two teenagers, gently prying Murphy's calloused hands off of your friend. Without another word, you dragged the blue-eyed boy back to the tent you shared with Monroe.


"Why?" He cut you off angrily, pulling his hand from yours roughly. "Why the hell are you always defending him? And you two spend so much time together, why? I'm your boyfriend and you spend more time with that jackass than me!"

Your (e/c) eyes narrowed and your mouth formed a tight line. What was Murphy implying? That you were being unfaithful?

"Murphy, Finn and I are friends."

"Pretty damn good friends, obviously." He rolled his eyes.

"What are you trying to say?"

He turned to face you, arms crossed. "What I'm saying is that you're terrible at hiding things. I know that you've been fucking him behind my back."

Your jaw dropped. He honestly thought that you would cheat on him? With Finn? Your boyfriend stood there glaring at you, taking your silence as a confirmation. His eyes glazed over just slightly and you saw him bite his lip, something he did when he was upset.

"Yeah. Thought so."

"I am not having sex with Finn, John." You growled. "Or anyone besides you, for that matter. I know you don't think too highly of yourself, but to accuse me of infidelity? You know me, John. You know I'd never do that. Finn and I are friends; that's all there is to it."

You decided not to mention that Finn technically had two girlfriends since that wouldn't help your case much.

"I love you, Murph... You know that..."

He looked up and locked eyes with you. It was quiet for a few moments before he muttered something you never thought you'd hear him say, before he embraced you tightly.

"I'm sorry..."

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now