Murphy x Reader 13

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Requested: Yes (_Brooxeshields_)
Summary: Murphy along with a few others sneak into Mt. Weather where their people are being held, in order to aid in their escape. While there, he stumbles upon a room of small cages, each one holding a grounder. Except one.
Warnings: Hinting towards starvation, good guy Murphy, reference to blood transfusion


Murphy looked down the hallway cautiously, making sure no guards were around before sneaking his way over to the door he had watched that crazy leader come out of. He opened it slowly, peeking around inside before slipping his body through.
He grunted when he saw it was all grounders. No way in hell was he going to risk his neck for them.

Still, he walked around, gazing into each cage to make sure it wasn't one of his own. Normally he wouldn't risk his life like this, even for his own people. He knew, however, that (name) was somewhere in this mountain. She was the only reason he bothered coming along. He couldn't care less about the others.

"J-... John..?"

His eyes shot to one particular cage, where timid (e/c) eyes stared back at him. Murphy ran up to you, locking his fingers through the spaces in the cage and pulling on it.

"I'm going to get you out." He told you. "Just hold on."

"You're not going to get it open, John. He took the key with him."

Murphy scoffed, smirking at his girl despite the nervousness bubbling in his stomach.

"You obviously don't know me."
He took a step back and kicked the cage harshly, easily putting a large dent in it. He kicked it once more, busting the cage door off of its hinges.

"Alright, come on princess..." He picked you up carefully, wincing when he realized how little you weighed. "Can you walk? No, never mind, forget I asked. Let's just find somewhere safe, okay?"
You nodded, arms loosely wrapped around Murphy's neck as he carried you out.

"What about the rest of them?"

"I can't risk taking the time to let everyone out." He shook his head. "My only intention was finding you and taking you to safety. Bellamy has a plan to free everyone else in here."

"John..." You tugged at his shirt collar weakly. "We gotta help them."

John sighed as he stopped walking, looking for a safe place to set you down. He found one and placed you carefully on the ground before walking over to the first cage.

"The things I'll do for you, (name)..." He said as he kicked the cage door in. Instead of helping the grounder woman out like he did with you, he just moved on to the next one and repeated the process. After maybe twenty minutes of this, each and every grounder had been freed and John came back up to you. He lifted you into his arms once more and chuckled at your grateful smile.

"Now, let's get you back to the control room before you convince me to donate all my blood."

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now