Murphy x Reader 08

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Requested: Nah

Summary: (Name) finds out that John is ticklish.

Warnings: Fluff tbh


You and John were both lying in bed. It was early and neither of you were in any hurry to get up, knowing that captain Bellamy would have plenty of work lined up for you.

There were no words exchanged between either of you, just a comfortable and relaxing silence. Eventually you got a bit curious, lifting a hand and jabbing your boyfriend in his lower abdomen.

John let out a squeak, jerking away from you and staring in shock.

"(Name)..." he whispered. "Don't."

You blinked in response, glancing down at his stomach before grinning wickedly. John's blue eyes widened and he tried to scramble out of the need before you could begin your attack.

But he was too late. There was no escape. He was doomed.


He wriggled and flailed around, trying desperately to escape your brutal attack and eventually wiggling his way down to the floor. You were straddling his waist and he had a firm grip on your wrists.

"(Name)," He said slowly, leaning up closer to your face and lowering his voice. "Don't do that."

"Why not?" You asked innocently as you tried to get your hand out of his grip. "You're not.... ticklish.... are you, John?"

"Of course n-"

He was cut off when you poked him in the stomach again.

John grabbed at your wrists again, staring up at you sternly, his normally pale cheeks now a light pink.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop." You laughed, moving to get off of him only to be pulled back down.

"I never said you had to get up..."

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now