Murphy x Reader 07

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Requested: Yes (MIW_alice) p.s. Love the name

Sorry for basically disappearing for a hundred (hehe) years. BUT I HAVE RETURNED. WITH AN UPDATE.

Summary: (Name) is selectively mute and attracts Murphy's attention.

Warnings: My trash writing, slight mention of sexual thing.


Murphy watched as you stared blankly at some guy that was trying talk to you. He'd seen plenty of people try, but you always gave them the same look. Rumours began to spread around the camp quickly. One girl said you didn't talk because you were in a terrible accident as a child that resulted in the permanent loss of your voice. Another guy said it was only because you thought you were too good to talk to some delinquents.

Murphy scoffed at them all. For some reason he just couldn't stand their stories. So what if you didn't talk? In his opinion that was a good thing.

"Hey, you." He smirked, walking up to you as you whittled a stick. "You know you're not gonna make any friends like that."

As expected, you only started at him. He didn't falter though. Instead, he took a seat next to you and pulled a stick from the pile that he began whittling.

It was quiet for a while after that- not awkward. It was actually... nice. For once someone wasn't angry at you for ignoring them.

"Seems like dinner is ready," Murphy grunted. "Want me to bring you over some?"

You stated down at the stick, now a neatly carved drumstick with light designs engraved, and thought over his offer.

Finally, you nodded.

Murphy smirked, standing up from the ground and going to the fire to grab some grub. He picked up two sticks, then froze and darted his eyes around before quickly grabbing two more and making his way back over to you.

"Here ya are, no-name." He held two skewers out to you.

You nodded in thanks, taking the food from him and beginning to eat. He reclaimed his seat beside you, reveling in the peaceful silence of your presence as the two of you ate.

While you were eating, you slowly slid a carved piece of wood over to him. He raised a brow as he studied the stick. Finally, something caught his attention.

"(Name)?" He smiled. "That's your name?"

You nodded, not looking up from your food.

The meal continued in silence.


Three days passed and Murphy continued the routine of spending dinner beside you, even though you never said one word to him. It actually surprised you that he'd stuck around this long since most people give up after ten minutes. Dare to say, you even developed a crush on the arsonist. He was nice to you, always being sure that you got enough food and that nobody was messing with you.

"Hey (Name)," He appeared beside you with his usual smirk. "How's your latest whittling project going?"

You smiled a bit, showing him the small bird you'd carved. He took it from your hands and delicately ran his thumb along the wings, marveling at your skills.

"It's beautiful" He handed it back to you, but you pushed it away, closing your hand around his and shaking your head.

"Y-You want me to have it?"

You nodded.

"Really? Thanks, (Name)." A genuine smile graced his thin lips and his cheeks turned a light pink.


"Wait, she talked to you?" Bellamy stared at his right-hand-man.

"No," Murphy shook his head. "She doesn't really talk. She doesn't actually... have to. I don't know."

"And... She made you that?" He pointed to the wooden bird that Murphy had turned into a necklace.

"Yeah, she's really good at carving stuff. She makes drumsticks and other little figurines too. Oh, and she never permanently lost her voice, she just chooses not to talk."

Bellamy scoffed. "So she does think she's better than everyone."

"No! God, why are you all so... Never mind. I have better things to do."

"Like screw your little girlfriend?"

Murphy glared at the leader of the camp. "She's the least judgmental person in this camp. She doesn't lie or spread rumours like the rest of you. Why is it so wrong for me to enjoy spending time with her? What, are you jealous that she actually hangs out with me? Because I know you tried to lay her and she turned you down."

Bellamy didn't respond, only glaring down at his 'friend'.

"Yeah," Murphy scoffed. "Thought so."

He turned and walked out of the dropship, only to find (name) standing there staring at him. Murphy closed his eyes.

"....You heard all of that."

You smiled, taking his hand and lacing your fingers together. Murphy rolled his eyes but grinned nonetheless, tugging you over to the spot you two always hung around.

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now