Murphy x Reader 16

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Requested: Yes and no? XD People wanted me to write a legit thing about my short prompt from a while ago.
Summary: You tag along with Murphy to the city of light. When your group picks up a grounder named Emori, things get interesting.
Warnings: SOOOO MUCH JEALOUS MURPH... and profanity like usual


"What was it like?" Emori questioned you excitedly. "You know, up in the sky?"
You chuckled at her enthusiasm and curiosity, running a hand through your hair.

"It was definitely different than here. It was never quiet since the machines were always running. And since we were in a giant spaceship there was no weather, it was always the same. Oh, and the air-"
You paused to fake gag at the memory, making Emori laugh.
"The air was always thick and kind of stale, now that I've experienced Earth air. It would give you massive headaches."

The grounder girl walked close beside you with her arms behind her back. There was a playful smirk on her face, and the way she looked at you made your cheeks turn a bit red.

While the two of you joked around, Murphy trailed at the back of the group scowling. This was different than his usual scowl, though. Right now, his pale blue irises were trained on his friend as she laughed alongside the enemy.
Did she already forget that the grounders spent weeks torturing him? And now she's just blatantly flirting with one of them?

His eyes darkened when the grounder playfully shoved at (name), making her giggle. Not too long ago she would be messing with him like that.
He would say something demeaning about Bellamy or Jaha and she would laugh that same laugh that made him feel like everything was okay.
John missed times like that. When it was just him and (name) against the world.

But then this grounder shows up and suddenly he doesn't exist anymore. John Murphy would admit it; he was incredibly selfish when it came to the (H/C) haired girl. Ever since they landed he had basically had her all to himself.

This damn grounder girl... What made her so special? Was it just because she was something new? Did (name) have a thing for grounders?

Murphy clenched his fist at the thought of his (name) spending the rest of her life with anyone besides him, especially a fucking grounder.

"Hey!" (name) laughed loudly as she began chasing Emori around, trying to get her scarf back from the girl. "Give it back!"

"Come and get it, (first name) (last name)!"

Murphy scoffed and rolled his eyes.

'Those two are acting like...'

His heart seemed to skip a beat and his stomach fell. (Name) wouldn't... Would she?

'Like a couple....'

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now