Murphy x Reader 10

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Request: Murphy and (Name) don't particularly like each other, but get stuck in the lighthouse together [Fandom_Feelz]

Warnings: Profanity


"Would you shut up?" Murphy growled from his spot on the couch. "It's not gonna open so just give it a rest already."

You scoffed before giving the metal door another good kick. Murphy flew up from the couch, storming over to you and grabbing your upper arm.

"You're giving. Me. A headache." He seethed. "We're trapped in here, okay? Give it a fucking rest and deal with it. There is nothing you can do to open that door, (Name), so quit."

You glared back before pushing passed him and going to the kitchen. If you're stuck here with that fucker, there's no way in hell you're gonna be sober. There were bottles upon bottles of wine in here, all neatly arranged on some weird rack. Without looking at the label, you grabbed one and tried to pry the cork out.

"Give it here."

You glared at Murphy, pulling the bottle closer to your chest.

"Get your own. This one is mine."

He only rolled his eyes, snatching the bottle from your hands before jabbing a bottle opener into the cork and popping it out with ease. He handed it back to you.

"....Want a glass?"

"Oh, now you're gonna be nice?" The ex-convict chuckled. "And all I had to do was give you alcohol, who knew."

You stared at his smug, stupid face.

"Yeah, sure. I could go for a few."

You grabbed two wine glasses from the cupboard and filled them almost to the brim, then handed one to Murphy.

"Here's to being prisoners again." You sighed, raising your glass in a mock toast. Murphy smirked.

"Ah, but this time we'll be drunk."


"So... So what'd you get locked up for, anyway (name)? Being too pretty?"

You and Murphy were sprawled out on the couch. Wasted. There was music blaring from a stereo, but you couldn't recognize the song.

"Nah~," You chuckled. "I beat the hell out of some kid in my math class."

"No way," Murphy grinned at you, looking completely surprised. "You're lying. There's no way-"

"I know, I know. But he was being a-" You paused to hiccup slightly. "a total bitch about.... I dunno, something. So I threw him out of the chair and just went to town."
Murphy fell off of the couch from how hard he was laughing, making you burst out in giggles yourself. It took awhile for the two of you to calm down after that before Murphy managed to get his ass back on the couch.

"Ya'know," He chuckled. "I always thought you were really cute. But you were always hanging around Finn so I figured you and him were a thing. By the time I finally figured out you weren't, you already hated me... Ain't that some shit."

You stared at the almost-empty bottle of wine, swirling the remains around the bottom in contemplation.

"I don't hate you, Mu-... John."

His blue eyes slowly moved to look at you, bloodshot from the alcohol but still as clear as ever to you. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes drifting down to your own lips. You weren't sure who started leaning in first, but eventually yours and John's lips were pressed together. At first neither of you really moved, still timid and afraid the other might pull away, but eventually his lips began moving slowly against your own, pulling away just slightly before kissing you again. His hand rose to rest on your neck, thumb running gently over your jaw.

It wasn't long until the two of you had to pull away, but Murphy kept his hand in place. He was afraid that he would wake up and find out it was all a dream; that you never even left with him to follow Jaha. He was afraid that when he opened his eyes you wouldn't really be there.

A hand ran through his hair slowly before lips pressed to his once more. He smiled and opened his eyes.

You were still there.

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now