Murphy x Reader 15

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Requested: Yees [SatanicPhanTrash1967]

Summary: (Name) gets a bit jealous of Bellamy sleeping around with so many girls, so she has a one night stand with Murphy. It was supposed to be just sex, but...
(Along with requested quotes which will be in bold)

Warnings: Long, Mentions of sex, Profanity, One night stand, ho Bell

NOTE: I'm sorry, I changed the plot (quite) a bit but really tried to keep the idea the same! Really, I did ;-;


You glared over towards the leader of camp, rolling your eyes when he gave the latest girl a quick kiss before sending her off somewhere.
Just like every morning. It became sickening to watch after the third or fourth girl, by now though it just drove you insane. Sure, Bellamy Blake wasn't the most abstinent guy up on the ark, either... But two to three girls a day!? That had to be a record...

"Amazing, isn't it?" Octavia scoffed.
She wasn't very fond her brother's antics either. At first she jumped on the chance to do whatever she wanted, but eventually she came to realize that so much unprotected sex probably wasn't the best idea when the camp was low on food and could hardly protect itself as it was.

"Can't you talk to him?"

"I tried," She sighed, taking a seat beside you. "But he's a guy. What guy would willingly give up getting to sleep with any girl he wanted?"

"I guess..." You stared at your hands, littered with cuts and blisters. "Just wish it wasn't so... Obvious."

It was silent between the two of you for a moment before Octavia nudged you.

"There is a way to get back at him, you know."

You raised an eyebrow at the younger Blake, hinting for her to continue.

"Just sleep with someone else. He'll get jealous as hell, I promise."

You pondered over the idea for a moment, debating if making Bellamy jealous was actually worth sleeping with somebody.
Then you looked up and saw Bellamy already flooring with a different girl.

"Yup. I'm in."


Octavia and yourself were sitting by the dropship, looking over the test of the delinquents as they chatted, ate, and chugged cup after cup of moonshine.

"Who do you think would actually go for it though?" You mumbled to Octavia as you ran your finger around the rim of your cup.

"Anybody." Octavia scoffed, then took notice of your raised eyebrow and rolled her eyes. "What? You're hot. Pretty sure any guy here would be glad to get with you for a night."

It was your turn to scoff this time, but you continued looking around at the camp anyway.
Jasper? No, he'd be a nervous wreck.
Monty? No, he doesn't seem like the type to have a one night stand.

"What about Murphy?" Octavia finally suggested. "The guy's crazy. You're into that, right?"

You thought about this. Murphy, huh? The two of you didn't talk too much, but you weren't really strangers either. Plus, he wasn't incredibly awkward like Jasper or Monty.

"Yeah, I guess Murphy would work... Probably pretty good in bed, too."
With your mind now made up, you stood from your spot and made your way over to the infamous John Murphy. To your surprise, his eyes were on you almost instantly, watching your every move as you got closer to him.

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now