Murphy x Reader 12

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Requested: Yepp yepp [wanhedasb]
Summary: Murphy comes back to camp only to hear that (name) is trapped in Mt. Weather.
Warnings: Language, slight change of plot because I can't for the life of me remember what actually happened


"Where is she?" Murphy questioned Abby as she looked him over and cleaned his wounds.


The boy rolled his eyes. "(Name). Where's (name)? I need to talk to her."

"Hold on..." Abby stood up, leaving Murphy alone with the guard in the room.
Murphy could hear his heart pounding in his chest as he waited. He hadn't seen (name) in two weeks and was almost afraid of seeing her again. He was afraid she'd be hurt, or hate him... He was afraid.

It felt like an eternity before Abby came back alone. Murphy's eyes narrowed.

"Where is she?"

"John..." Abby placed a hand on his shoulder. "The rest of the 100, including (name), were captured by the people of Mount Weather. We're working on getting them out right now."

"Wait I thought Mount Weather was good, what's going on? Why are they in there? What's happening to them?"

"John, calm down... We're not supposed to tell people the little we do know, but we're going to get them out, okay? She'll be fine."

He wanted to yell at her. He wanted to tell her that she couldn't call him John. He wanted to tell her that only (name) could do that. He wanted to demand to know what's going on, because he had a right to know.

But he couldn't. John Murphy just... couldn't. All the energy just seemed to drain from his body and he found that he couldn't react to anything. (name) was being held up in some bullshit mountain by possible psychopaths, maybe even being tortured.
And he couldn't do anything. He was stuck here. As much as he hated to admit it; Murphy was powerless.

All he wanted to do was curl up and fall asleep. Maybe when he woke up it would be over and (name) would be back home and he wouldn't have to worry. Or maybe when he woke up all of it will have gone away. His dad would be alive. His mom would be sober and alive. He'd ask (name) out on an actual date then later introduce her to his parents and they'd adore her.

John scoffed, letting himself fall back onto the bed of the medical unit. He was being stupid. (Name) might not even be alive anymore.

Eventually Murphy's thoughts got the best of him and he fell into a nightmarish slumber.



"Someone clear the beds we have two more!"

"Hey, wake up! Are you stupid? We need this bed, get up!"

Murphy hissed and opened his eyes, feeling hands pushing him up and away from the bed. He glared at the two men responsible.

"The hell's your problem-" His voice stopped short when he noticed one of the original 100 on a stretcher, looking half dead already. He took another look around and saw others lying on beds, either looking dead, or getting there.

"What happened to them?"

"They're Mount Weather victims-... Look kid, you gotta get out of here. We need the space."
Before he could protest Murphy was pulled from the medical unit and tossed outside. He noticed a few other people waiting out there, one of them being Clarke.

"Where's (name)?" He demanded. "I know she was in there too, so where the hell is she?"

"Right here."

Time seemed to stop as John turned towards the ever-familiar voice. It was her. She was right there, just a few yards away, and she was alright.

"(Name)..." He ran over to her and placed both hands on her shoulders before pulling her against his chest. "You're okay. Fuck, I'm so sorry. Fuck..."

Eventually he took notice of her rigid composure and how she hadn't returned the embrace. Confused, he pulled away.

"What's wrong?"

"You left me." Her voice completely monotone... It sound so hopeless. "You left me there at camp... then you didn't even care when I was stuck in Mount Weather."

"(Name), no..." He whispered, starting into her now dull (e/c) eyes. "No, that's not true... I was devastated. I didn't want to leave you in there but there was nothing that I could do."

She was practically looking through him at this point, as if he wasn't even there, then her eyes moved to the ground. Murphy could tell she was holding back tears.

"I'm so sorry, (name)." He held her face in his calloused hands. "Please believe me when I say that it killed me to leave you there. Please."

(Name) placed her hands over John's, only to pull them away from her face and walk away. John stayed like that for awhile, hands still raised to where he had held her, before lowering them and clenching his fists.

Her words continued to ring in his head, and he realized she was right.

He left her there.

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now