Discreet Escape

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At some point, he started to think that they'd starve him to death.

He had no idea of how long he'd been there, it was probably no more than a few hours, but he was starting to feel quite anxious. Lots of 'what ifs' crossed his mind, and his stomach started to twitch out of hunger. A trip to the bathroom would also be pretty much welcomed.

The noises outside were the only distraction after he'd finished examining what he could from the inside of the closet, but he couldn't make out the exact words being said, even though he recognized some of the voices. Once he thought he'd heard Mikasa, but when he paid more attention to it, he couldn't hear it no more.

He wanted to get out, and that was the only thing he could think about in the moment. No matter how hard he tried, his mind kept going back to it, reminding him of all the things that were making him uncomfortable at that moment.

So when the door was finally opened, his heart almost stopped.

And then it almost stopped a second time when he saw who exactly was standing in front of him.

"... Levi?"

That was all he could say before the vampire leaned over and pulled him into his arms.

"Next time," he said, walking towards the exit, "try telling me you're leaving before you actually leave, stupid brat"

"Don't be harsh on the boy, Levi"

Hearing the familiar voice, Eren looked over the vampire's shoulder, meeting the eyes of another vampire, who smiled at him.

"This is not called being harsh, Hange. It is called being rational"

"What do you two think you're doing?"

Levi stopped walking. Eren's neck almost snapped at how fast he turned to face the owner of the new voice. It was one of the caretakers. Shit.

"We're taking the brat with us"


Levi shrugged. Eren reflected on how strong one must be in order to shrug while carrying someone taller than you.

"He wants it", he said without hesitation, but then he looked at the younger boy, "You do, right?"

Eren nodded.

"He's not authorized to leave the facilities"

"Who cares?"

The vampire resumed walking. The caretaker reached for him, but someone grabbed his arm. Someone with a huge grin.

"Listen, I'm not letting you or anyone in here get any closer to those two, 'kay?", then she looked at Levi and announced, "I'll cover your guys. Don't worry about me!"

"Never planned to", Levi said without raising his voice. Eren had the impression it was still loud enough for her to hear it, though.

Street Lights [ERERI/RIREN]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora