Worrying Thoughts

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   It was incredible how little their day-to-day life changed. That made Eren wonder if they weren't acting like a couple already, without noticing it (Well, neither of them mentioned anything about being a couple now, but in Jaeger's mind there was no better way to describe their current situation). Besides the sleeping arrangements and the kissing, everything was just the same.
   Well, almost.
   Hange's visits were a new addition to their lives - one that Levi particularly disliked. It wasn't related - not really - to their new relationship status, but she insisted otherwise, claiming that her first visit to Eren had prompted it and so she was their 'Cupid'. Eren agreed in some point. Levi insisted it could have happened in a less dramatic way, and so refused to acknowledge it.
   Also, there was a certain awkardness Jaeger hadn't expected at all. He admitted to himself that, when it came to romance, he didn't knew much, but... He had some idealizations that ended up being quite far from reality. A lot of times he caught himself wondering when was the right time to start a kiss, if there was a right time, how would he start a kiss. The same doubts could be applied to holding hands, hugging, the location of his hands during more intense kissing... Eren tried not to think about it - something he was usually good at - , but it was harder than it seemed.
   Besides all that, there was the matter of all the things he hadn't mentioned, the subjects he had suscessfully managed to avoid. Bringing them up now felt even more difficult than before.
   But... he would have to talk about it sooner or later.
   Eren sighed, curling up on the couch and unconsciously moving his tail from side to side. Mikasa must be worried about him. He didn't regret running away from the warehouse where he was born and raised, along with the other kids who were half-human and half-cat like him, but maybe he shouldn't have been so harsh about it. He should go back someday, tell her and everyone else that he was fine, that he wasn't alone, that he had shelter, food and water.
   However, if he did go back... he might end up stuck in there.
   He hugged himself, ears nearly flat against his head. He didn't want it. He really didn't. It would ruin everything.
   He would lose Levi.
   "What's wrong, brat?"
   His ears perked up instantly and he raised his head.
   "... Nothing. I'm just... thinking about stuff. No big deal"
   It was clear that the older male didn't believe it, but he let it pass. Jaeger was glad.
   Someday he would do something about it.
   Just... not today.

Street Lights [ERERI/RIREN]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora