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((AN: Here it is! When it comes to the timeline of this fic, this chapter happens quite some time after the events of the main story, but don't worry, it'll be spoiler-free))

"Oi, Levi, do vampires celebrate Halloween?"

The black haired male looked at Eren as if he'd grown a second head.

"That's a shitty question, brat. Some of us probably do, but I'm not one of them. So if you feel like going all 'trick or treat' trough the neighborhood, do not, under any circumstances, count me in"

The cat boy's fluffy ears dropped against his head and he started to pout.

"But Leviiii..."

"Don't you even try to pull out this emotional blackmailing bullshit on me, cause it won't..."

The younger threw his arms around Levi's waist, pressing the head against his toned chest.

"... work..."

"Levi, please...", he practically purred the other's name, "It'll be fun, I swear!'

"... Do I have to wear a costume?"

* * * * * * * *

Apparently, he did. Eren insisted for him to dress as a vampire, and then laughed his ass off when he saw the look of annoyance in the older's face.

"A cape? Seryously?"

"And don't forget to show off your fangs!"

Eren's 'costume' was just his usual attire. His cat ears and tail for once wouldn't make him stand out in the crowd.

Walking through the streets, they received a lot of compliments. Eren's smile went from ear to ear at each compliment. Levi however only growled, but the younger managed to convice everyone that he was just 'a bit too much in character'.

That is, until they've saw a very familiar face.

"E~reeeen!! I knew you'd come!! And... and... LEVI?!", Hange's mouth dropped open when she realized what her eyes were seeing. Then she started to laugh. "...Oh my... I... I can't breath, it's just so... I knew... Eren could be convincing, but... this?!", she laughed so loud that everyone nearby started to stare at them.

"Shut up, freak", Levi growled in response, looking even more pissed.

"Ooooo, how scaaaary~", she stopped laughing at last, but there was still a huge wicked grin plastered on her face, "Is the big bad vampire trying to scare me~?'

After Eren managed to keep Levi from jumping at their friend's throat and Hange from teasing the older even more, the three of them had quite a pleasant evening. They stopped by a restaurant that was decorated for the holiday and later met Erwin and Petra as well. When Levi and Eren finally went back to Levi's apartment, it was well past midnight.

"I love Halloween!", celebrated the younger, jumping on the couch and stretching his back.

"I don't see what's the big deal. Oi brat, move."

Reluctantly, Eren sat straight, whining a bit. But then the older sat next to him and motioned for him to go back to his former position.

"Sooo... are you asking me to rest my head on your lap?"

Throwing a deadly glance his way, Levi grabbed the younger by the hair and pulled him in his direction.

"Shut up and just do it before I change my mind, brat"

"What if I change my mind?"

The older looked confused, then shocked and finally pleased when Eren lifted up and got closer, pressing his lips against Levi's.

It'd been a while, but the raven haired male still wasn't used to it, to the sweet taste of Eren's lips. Sweeter than any Halloween candy, and so soft... Perhaps he'd never get used to it. Perhaps every kiss would feel like the first. Well, it's not as if he wouldn mind. Sliding his tongue across the other's bottom lip, he snaked his arms around the brunet's waist, pulling him even closer.

When they finally broke the kiss, Eren lifted his right hand to caress the other's cheek and smiled.

"Hey... want to know what's the big deal of Halloween? At least for me? Today... is the only day when everyone treats me as you do. As if I'm normal."

"Hmpf. You're anything but normal, kid.", replied the older, a small smile tugging his lips, "You're much more than it. You're special"

Street Lights [ERERI/RIREN]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora