Red Scarf

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To say he was unconfortable would be an euphemism.

He had no idea why he was doing it. That brat was probably filthy. He still wore the same clothes as when they first met. He had fucking cat ears, and let's not forget about the tail. They barely talked to each other. Then why...

Why did he felt the urge to know the cat boy better?

There was no one in the restaurant besides them, and he might've been wrong, but Eren looked quite relieved because of that. And he would've noticed it even if he hadn't seen the boy's tail swinging happily from side to side.

"Is this place new? I don't remember seeing it, and I'm always walking around here", the younger said, not taking his eyes out of the menu. Weird. Now that he thought about it, Eren not even once looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Yes. It opened last month. The owner's an old friend of mine, so I gave it a try. I usually don't eat food I didn't cook myself"

"Why?", the brunette tilted his head a bit, finally looking up.

"It's safer. Who knows what they might do to your food when you're unable to look?", a look of true horror twisted his features, and Eren couldn't help but smile.

"So... how about you? I mean, do you live nearby? I've never seen you around as well"

"Guess it depends on what you see as nearby. It's far enough to justify going by car, but not so far that I can't walk my way there if necessary"

After that an unconfortable silence arose, and both of them just sat there staring at each other until the waiter showed up.

"Hi, ready to place your orders?"

"Same as always", answered Levi, eyes still glued on the other's face, "How 'bout you?"

"Me? W-well, I guess I'm having *insert food's name here*"

"I'll be bringing your food in no time. Have a nice night."

The waiter took a quick glance at Eren's ears and then left.

"Same as always? You must come here often, then!"

The older shrugged.

"It's a nice place. What's a bit surprising since the owner's annoying as fuck"

"I thought you said the owner's your friend!"


Eren shook his head in disbelief.

"How do you even have friends?"

"Go and ask them, brat. I have no idea"

The waiter eventually came back with their orders. They ate in silence, lots of questions in mind.

"So...", Eren started, looking down at his plate, "Why did you ask me to come with you?"

The black haired male sighed, knowing he'd have to expose his reasons sooner or later.

"There's... sonething I wanted to ask, but... Damn, it'll sound so weird... I mean, fuck, we barely know each other..."

The younger's ears perked up.

"So, by what I've seen, you have been living on the streets, right, brat? Then, I guess it's safe to assume you don't have a place to sleep, or a source of regular food, and I don't even want to think how or if you showered lately. And...", he sighed again, "It wouldn't hurt having some company..."

"W-wait... Are you asking me to live with you?"

Levi rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm asking to live along with you on the streets. Of course I am, you shitty brat"

Eren's fluffy cat ears twitched as if he was feeling unconfortable.

"It's just for a few days, right?"

"Yeah. Why would it be any other way?"

The taller boy looked down at his hands, at his interwined fingers. Wasn't it exactly what he was running from? But... if it was just for a few days... it might even help with what he was aiming for.

"... Fine. I'll go. I assume we're going as we're finished here, right?"

Levi smirked.

"Unless you have some stuff to pack."

Eren knew it wasn't very mature of him, but he stuck out his tongue anyway. The shorter male blinked, surprised. However, a small smile bent his lips after the display.

"Well, I'm finished. Are you ready to go?"


The older then payed the bill and followed Eren outside, ready to lead the way to his apartment. The cat boy still felt a bit uneasy about the whole situation, but was determined to move on with it. Then he heard it.


Even if he hadn't recognized the all too familiar voice, there was no mistaking the red scarf that blocked his vision as soon as he turned around.


Street Lights [ERERI/RIREN]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora