Reluctant Goodbyes

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He wanted to feel half as confident as he'd said he was feeling.

But the truth was that he had no idea of what would happen.

It wasn't difficult to find the way back to his old 'home'. Actually, it was a bit too easy. He wished to get lost in the middle of the way, and, while trying to figure out where he was, he would end up where he started. His new home. With Levi.

It didn't happen, though.

The end of his tail twitched nervously as he approached, ears almost flat against his head. A few more steps and he would probably be noticed by the ones who were inside. It was nearly impossible to sneak in unnoticed.

Trying to breath normally, he kept walking even when he heard the steps coming in his direction.

She reached him before he reached the gate. He felt glad and annoyed at the same time.

Without saying a word, she stepped foward and hugged him.

"Hi, Mikasa"

"Where have you been?", she questioned as soon as she released him from the hug, a hand still on his shoulder.

"I'm staying over at someone's place. It's someone I can trust, so don't worry!", he added quickly, knowing she would disapprove, "And... well, I have plans. Things I'd like to do with my life. Plans that'll be much easier if I have a place to stay. A place that's not... here"

She listened with a serious expression, and Eren hoped she was taking his words seriously. Even though he was prone to acting without thinking, he had pondered a lot about this. And it meant a lot to him.

"... I know things can be difficult here. Specially for someone like you", she spoke, a hint of sadness in her eyes,"But... do you really have to leave us in order to accomplish it?"

"I'm not leaving you guys! I... I just...", he immediately tried to defend himself, but it was difficult to explain his feelings about it, hard to put it into words, "I think that I was hoping that you'd come too. That we could still spend some time together"

"Did you?"

Those words confused him for a moment, but it didn't took long for him to find his determination.

After all, he knew what he wanted.

Even though he'd went there thinking about saying goodbye, somewhere along the way his mind had changed.

"Yes. It took me some time to realize it, though"

A small smile bent Mikasa's lips.

"That's not unexpected coming from you"

"Yeah, I gu... hey, what did you mean with that?"

"It doesn't matter", she replied, still smiling, "You should speak with Armin too. He's inside"

"Of course I will! Damn, I missed him a lo..."

There were steps approaching him from behind. Familiar steps. He froze on the spot.

Street Lights [ERERI/RIREN]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora