Chapter 1: P.O.V. Tristan

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“Come on Kyle! We gotta hide before the Angel’s come!” I grab his hand and tow him down the empty streets, our footsteps echoing on the cobblestone. I turn and pull him into an abandoned apartment.  We run down into the basement and find a hidden crevice behind some boxes that was big enough to fit us both. “Hurry! It’s almost nightfall!” I said, pushing him into the small space. Kyle was my little brother, a year younger than me, but since our parent’s were turned, he was the only family truly alive that I had left, and I would do anything to save him.

          It was silent for a period of time, but then we heard the door upstairs open. I froze, and Kyle froze along with me.

          “Kyle, if they find us, they will only find me. Don’t make a sound no matter what, got it?”

          “But Tristan-“

          “Shhhhhh!” I hissed, and he fell silent. I would do anything for him, and if it means this, then I will do it.

          Footsteps echo throughout the nearly empty house. They went down stairs, and crossed into our section. The person’s feet were graceful, much too graceful for a normal human. It confirmed my worst fear…

And Angel was here.

          I sucked in my breath, trying to be as silent as I could, not even daring to breathe. Kyle behind me followed my queue. The angel started to turn to go, and Kyle exhaled in relief, and the angel stopped in his tracks and turned in our direction. Then he slowly walked over, moved aside the boxes, and I saw his black shoes, right in front of my face. And he squatted, and looked me in the eyes.  My eyes widened, and I quickly averted my gaze. Look into the eyes of an angel for too long, you start to turn into one. He laughed, and grabbed my wrist, and pulled me out.

          “Well well well, look at what I have here. Someone has been in hiding. Are you alone little boy?” I gathered up all of my strength and I did the one thing that would prevent me from answering that question.

          I spit in his face.

          The Angel’s eyes flared golden in fury.

          “Why you little” But he stopped and smirked. “You know, I have a better way of punishing you little boy.” He grabbed my chin with one hand, and with the other he pinned me to the wall. He forced me to look him in the eyes, and his wings flared out, covering us in a dark cloak of black feathers. His golden eyes stared intensely at me, and I tried to turn away, but finally, I gave up. I looked him in the eyes, and glared at him. His eyes swirled and churned into a sea of molten gold. I felt my eyelids growing heavy and he laughed, but then I heard someone outside the black cloak shout.

          He turned, glaring at the person. His wings fell, and I saw a figure, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

          “Who do you think you are?” He snarled, dropping me to the floor. I crumpled, something on the floor (I think my knife) stabbed my in the chest, and Kyle almost climbed out of the hiding place, but I opened my eyes and I shook my head at him. He moved back a little, but still stared worriedly at me.

          I looked at the new figure, and I was shocked. It was a girl. She stood tall, dressed in all black, and her wavy brown hair was pulled into a pony tail.

          “I’ll answer your question if you answer mine. Who are you Angel?” He smiled evilly.

          “My name is Raphiel, king of the Archangels. And you are little pest?” she stood her ground, looking him in the eye, not at all afraid that she will turn into one.

          “My name is Samantha. Leave now Raphiel, before I do something to you.” He laughed, a cruel sound, echoing through the house, shaking its foundations.

          “And what can you do pest? I am your superior, you cannot hurt me.” She held up a finger.

          “Ah… I may not be able to, but I do know one thing. You are Archangels. If you hadn’t turned evil, you could not have been out now since it is night, and your wings would have been white instead of black. But, as of the fact that you are in fact evil, you have black wings and can only be out at night. But, now, unknown to you… it’s nearly sunrise.” She ran to a window and lifted the curtain, revealing that she was right. Raphiel’s golden eyes widened. He turned to look at me, and I stopped breathing, and luckily, my neck was covered, so he couldn’t see my pulse. In nice terms, I played dead. And being the stupid angel he was, he left me.

          He flew up the stairs and out of the house, probably to his castle. Samantha looked up the stairs for a moment, before she ran over to me and unbuttoned the top of my shirt which was now soaked with blood. That’s when I stopped playing dead.

          “If you wanted me to take off my shirt, you could have just asked.” I smirked at her, still lying down with my eyes closed. She shrieked.

          “What? Wh- no! Why would you think…?” I opened my eyes and looked into hers. She gasped quietly, and then grabbed my chin and moved my head around, staring constantly into my eyes. I frowned.


“How long did you look into his eyes?”


“You heard me. How long did you look?”

“Um… I don’t know… about 15 seconds give or take.” She shook her head.

“That would explain it.”

“Explain what?!?!” I said. She wordless went through her bag and pulled out a mirror. “A mirror why…oh.” I looked at my reflection, and found myself looking into a different pair of eyes than my own blue. I found myself looking into a pair of molten gold eyes.

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