Chapter 4: P.O.V. Jamie

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All I can think of was James… He had attacked me when I was in hiding last night, and then I tried to escape. I tried twice until I finally succeeded. But by the time that I eventually did, I was so beaten and bloody from the first two attempt’s punishments that it hurt every time that I took a step. Eventually I made it to an abandoned house, and then the basement. I used to live in this place, so I knew that there was a hidden room in the basement. So I dragged myself to, and went inside. But it hadn’t occurred to me that I might have left a trail.

          So another group found me. First it was a boy and girl, not angels, so I relaxed. But then another head appeared, and it was another boy, but he had Angel’s eyes. So I did the one thing that I could do.

I screamed and went into a fetal position.

          Then I saw the boy and girl looking at each other and out the window, so I guess it was about to be nightfall. I started shivering and taking shallow breaths. James would try to find me… but the boy and girl climbed in with me. My head was on the girl’s lap, and eventually she started untangling my hair. It must have been really bad because then the boy started helping too. I calmed down after a bit. But then, I heard the door upstairs open, and they were walking around. My breathing picked up. It was James… or some other Angel… I just know it.

          The girl started petting my hair. At first, I was wondering what on earth she was doing, but then, I realized that it was calming me down… the repetitive motion becoming familiar. I timed my breathing to it to calm down. But then, the footsteps came down stairs and stopped in front of our wall. Everything went still. The girl’s hand stopped, and she stopped breathing. The boy was completely silent. And then the wall went up an inch, and then another. Then the wall flew up, revealing an Angel.

“My my Jamie, you have caused me to look everywhere for you. And you have new friends… Samantha? Fancy seeing you here, and who is that?” The Angel grabbed Samantha and me by our hair and dragged us out. He kicked the boy back into the hidden room and slammed the door shut. He put his foot over it, making it impossible for him to get out. The Angel tugged us upward towards his face.

          “Jamie, James has been looking all over for you since you escaped this morning... He has claim to you, so I can’t do anything to you.” I trembled, and I touched a bruise on my upper thigh. “And Samantha,” he turned his gaze to her. “I have claim to you. You are the first person ever to escape my clutches untouched… even more so the fact that you are a girl. So I will be bringing you and Jamie back with me to the castle. Let’s go.” The Angel turned to go, but then all of a sudden, the wall broke, and the boy stood up.

          “You are not going anywhere with Sami.” And he did something that was either the bravest or stupidest thing ever. He punched the Angel in the face and saved us. Now, I know that he said Sami, but he still saved me. But the Angel was getting up. The boy picked me up and I guess I was going into shock, because I couldn’t see a lot… just a few things. Though I am pretty sure I saw the girl kick the Angel… and I saw behind them, a familiar winged figure.


          I fainted, but the image of James was still clear in my head… his golden eyes, black hair… he made my heart race, but still… he was evil…

          I woke up later outside on Sami’s lap. She grinned down at me.

          “How ya feeling Jamie?” I shook my head, trying to clear my hazy memories.

          “I’ve felt better… actually… I’ve felt a lot better.” I said, smiling. Sami grinned.

          “Finally, someone who is a girl and is funny,” she said. I tried to get up, and I felt pain wrack through me. Sami caught me.

          “Girl be careful… you got quite the beating. It was only a matter of time when your body would realize it. Relax, you are with us.” I tilted my head and frowned.

          “Us?” I said. She nodded.

          “Tristan, Kyle and I.” I frowned.

          “Is Kyle the one that broke the wall?” Sami smirked slightly and nodded.

          “That’s the guy.”

          “Then who is Tristan?” Sami opened her mouth when another boy came into view. One with golden eyes. I shrieked and skittered back, ignoring the pain shooting through my body. Sami twisted and glared at him.

          “Tristan! What is your problem????” I stared at him.

          “You’re… you’re Tristan?” I said, looking at him. He smirked and nodded.

          “The one and only.”

          “Where are your wings?” I said. I glared at me.

          “I’m not a complete Angel… I got partially turned by that Angel that we saw last night first.”

          “The one Sami kicked?” Tristan turned.

          “You kicked the Angel King?” Sami grinned proudly.

          “And spit in James’s face.”

          “Great. I miss all the fun because I decided to hide out in the attic…” Tristan said before trudging off to some other place. I turned and looked at Sami.

          “Please say that you don’t like that one.” Sami’s eyes widened.

          “NO! HOW DARE YOU!” She said, obviously flustered. I heard a shout over where Tristan had disappeared.

          “But you know, she did try to take off my shirt at one point without asking me.” Sami held up one finger, got up, and went over to where Tristan was.

          “OW!” Sami returned, grinning. Kyle appeared from where Tristan was.

          “It’s true… but alas, she didn’t take off my shirt.” She turned bright red, turned around, and ran over to Kyle. I think he was smarter than Tristan, because he turned around too and bolted. I laughed. This group was hilarious, plus they were the first humans I’ve seen in a while.

          When Sami returned, both Tristan and Kyle had red marks on their cheeks, but they were both grinning their faces off. Sami sat next to me, and the boys sat in front of us. Sami turned to me.

          “Would you like to travel with us?” My eyes widened.

          “Wait Sami you didn’t ask us if she could first!” Tristan whined, but Sami cut him off.

          “Of course. That’s because I don’t care what you say.” Sami turned back to me. “Will you?” I grinned and nodded. “Well then, let’s get you some new clothes and wash you off.”

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