Chapter 11: P.O.V. Kara

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As the sun rose, I tried not to think about how this was the last day with Tristan that I would ever get. I tried to forget about all the problems that we had… or that promise that I made Tristan. I tried to forget them all with the rise of the sun, marking a new day. I leaned back on Tristan, listening to his heartbeat. I couldn’t believe that he would be an Angel… or that he almost was. He seemed so… different. But never mind that… we just had to get Tristan to the castle before he went through the final transformation… and it was so close. We would get there around five… leaving us about two hours to get Raphiel to reverse it.

I heard footsteps behind us. I turned and saw Sami and Kyle walking towards us. Tristan got up and held out his hand to help me up. I smiled and took it.  We walked over, but Kyle immediately zoned in on Tristan’s bleeding shoulder. It was black, but Tristan pushed away his brother’s concerned. I stepped forward.

“We need to head out to the castle. If we leave now, we might be able to get there around five, and we would have time to find Raphiel and make him reverse it before Tristan’s final stage.” Tristan looked at me and then the others.

“She’s got a point. Let’s head out.” We started walking, and I felt awkward trailing in the back behind them. Sami had been the first to join them, and knew them the best. She had saved Tristan from Raphiel’s grasp, and she and Kyle were practically dating… They were so close, I felt left out. So I trailed behind them… walking and thinking. And thinking was the last thing I wanted to do. Thinking made me think about things that would make me sad. I thought about the fight that had happened between Tristan and James. At first, Tristan didn’t want to fight, but then he snapped and was a killing machine. He just attacked without thinking. It was terrifying. And his face when his skin was changing color.

It was so full of pain, and it hurt me to think that I couldn’t do anything to help him… I wanted to help him… but I couldn’t do anything… absolutely nothing…

I looked up and saw him in between Sami and Kyle, laughing. They could help him… but I could do nothing… all I could do was be dead weight… something that he protected with his life, but I could do nothing in return…

I looked at him again. It was clear now that he was turning into an Angel. His skin was milk white, and his golden eyes were prominent against his skin and under his black hair. His smile was filled with pointed teeth… now that I really looked at him… I could imagine him as an Angel… he already was one… he was just missing his wings.


          We stood outside of the castle and it was 6:30. We had half an hour to get Raphiel to agree to reverse it. (We were later because we decided to sit down for a nap….) We walked into the palace and entered the throne room. Raphiel was sitting on the throne, smiling at us, his black wings extended behind him. He got up and walked towards us.

          “I heard that you survived Tristan… at first I was rather shocked… I thought that you had died… and yet, here you are.” He gestured at him with his hands. Tristan frowned.

          “I was playing dead genius. Although I wish that you would actually die.” Tristan said, sneering at Raphiel. Raphiel narrowed his eyes at Tristan.

          “How can you be so far along? I thought that I turned you 4 days ago, how can you be almost ready for your wings?” Raphiel circled Tristan, who glared at him in turn.

          “You did, and I don’t know.” He responded.

          “Hmmm… I don’t know how this is possible… but I assume that you all wouldn’t be so stupid as to come here without a reason am I correct?” Raphiel said as he walked back over to his throne, and sat back down. Sami stepped forward.

          “Yes. We want you to reverse Tristan’s turning into an Angel.” Sami said. Everything went silent. But that silence was broken by Raphiel’s laughing.

          “That’s… that’s rich! You’d think… HAHAHAHA you’d think I would… would help you, HAHAHAHA!” We all stared at him and then Kyle stepped forward.

          “If you won’t help him from free will, then you will have to help him by force.” Kyle took a step forward, and Sami followed. I stepped forward as well and Tristan looked at all of us. Raphiel’s smile dropped and he took a step back, and he looked at the clock on the wall, and then grinned.

          “Goodbye people, enjoy killing the last Archangel, for he is standing right behind you.” And with that Raphiel pulled out a knife and stabbed himself in the heart. We all watched as he changed back to his regular self. He laughed at us as he died. He had dark curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, and dark skin. We all turned to look at each other.

          “The last Archangel?” Sami said out loud. “All the Archangels are dead now.” And then Tristan said something.

          “He means me… I’m still turning. I will start turning in less than a minute.” He said. He looked at me, and walked over and kissed me. I froze in surprise, but then wrapped my arms around his neck. He broke away and whispered in my ear.

          “Keep your promise and I’ll keep mine.” Kyle looked at me in question. Tristan turned to Sami.

          “You are the leader now… congratulations.” Sami started crying and ran over to him and gave him a hug.

          “I’ll protect everyone and make sure they don’t get lost… keep your shirt on.” She said, laughing. Tristan dropped a tear as well, then moved on to his brother, who was starting to cry. He looked at him and said one sentence before it started.

          “Keep your promise Kyle.” And then he bent over in pain and his he said his last word as Tristan.

“Go!” And the he dropped the ground, jerking, as though all his bones in his body were breaking. Sami yelled something, and Kyle turned to run, but I stood watching Tristan twitching and jerking on the floor. He looked up at me one last time as him and a tear streamed down his face and Sami came back and dragged me out. As I passed the door, I heard him cry out in pain, and I had a terrible flash back of when his skin turned. I yanked my wrist out of Sami’s grasp.

          “Kara?!?” Sami yelled.

          “I have to go back!” I shouted, tears streaming down my face.

          “No! You will get killed! It’s not Tristan anymore!” Sami yelled at me.

          “I don’t care! I made him a promise, and I am going to keep that promise!” I shouted back. “Go on without me. Thank you Sami for everything.” I hugged her, and ran over to Kyle.

          “Kiss her already, I’m going to kiss you, and I bet that she will get mad, watch her reaction.” I whispered in his ear. He nodded. I stood on my tiptoes and kiss him. Sami turns bright red and is giving me a look that would kill anybody with one look. I laughed and a tear streamed down my face.

          “Bye guys… you guys were the best friends I could have for knowing you for such a short time… and f I don’t succeed, and yet you guys do… tell Tristan… tell him I love him, and I always will.” And I turned my back and ran back into the throne room and closed the door and locked it. I turned around and saw Tristan on the floor, still. A pair of black wings had sprouted from his back. I walked cautiously over to him.

          “Tristan?” He got up so fast that I barely saw it. He pinned me to a wall and whispered something to me

“You know something Kara?” He said. “You broke your promise, so I am going to break mine.” He took my neck, and the last sound I made was a blood curdling scream before I faded into black.

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