Chapter 6: P.O.V. Sami

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Thankfully, Jamie promised not to tell the others about the little piece she heard. Even that would have gotten me killed. So eventually the guys came into the apartment and we all took a nap.

          Or at least tried to.

          Nightmares swarmed those who did get the lucky chance of sleep. But I couldn’t fall asleep. So I just laid down and stared at the ceiling listening to the others. But there was one that was sleeping fitfully. I got up and looked at the noise. Jamie was tossing and turning, and she was crying. I quickly got up and I walked over, but as I was about to wake her up, she murmured something. I looked up.

          “Help… no James… don’t… Sami… Tristan is…” She turned restlessly in her sleep, her face covered in beads of sweat. I shook her shoulder.

          “JAMIE!” I shouted. She woke up with a start. Her eyes were wide and she looked at me with fear. I sat down next to her. “Jamie its ok… it was just a nightmare…you are fine…” I said to her, holding her hand. She looked at me for a second longer before twisting over to look at Tristan.

          “He… he is changing right now Sami.” She looked back at me. I frowned.


          “You heard me. Tristan is changing faster than most… look.” I turned to look at Tristan, and I shrieked. His blond hair was turning black at the roots and was morphing his blond hair into black. Kyle woke up, but Tristan continued to sleep.

          “What’s wrong?” Kyle asked me. I wordlessly point at Tristan. We turn on a light, and Kyle grips my arm. Tristan’s hair is half black. He’s flinching in his sleep.

          “The transformation usually takes a month, but if he is going at this rate, he will be done with the transformation by the end of the week.” We turn to see Jamie standing behind us.

          “Why is he flinching?” Kyle asked.

          “The transformation gradually gets more and more painful. The eyes don’t hurt at all, so you don’t feel anything. Then your hair turns black, there is a bit of pain, like a hard pinch for a period of time. Then you teeth turn pointed, which hurts quite a lot, like dozens of nails piercing your feet. After that, your skin turns white, and it feels like you are being burned. But the most painful of them all is the wings, when you finally turn into one… it feels as though all the bones in your body are snapping in half. It usually takes about a week for the hair to turn, but it takes him 2 days… that means he will have his teeth in one day, his skin will turn pale in another day, and after that, one more day he will grow his wings.” Jamie looks mournfully back up at us.

          “How do you know all of this?” Kyle asked, stepping forward, Jamie stepped back with tears in her eyes, but then her eyes hardened and she stepped forward again.

          “My little sister was the same way. One week for her to turn into one. It was terrible… they know that you are their sibling or parent, but they don’t care. Watch out and don’t be near him when he is turning, both of you.” And with that Tristan sat up and yawned. We fell silent and looked over at him. He grinned.

          “What’s up guys?” We were silent. “No answer?” Silence. “Well, I’m going to the bathroom.” And he got up and left the room. We all looked at each other.

          “He’s going to find out eventually, is there any way to reverse it?” Jamie nods.

          “The Angel who turned him has to reverse it.” Kyle and I look at each other.

          “There’s no way that Raphiel would reverse it! He would probably laugh at us.” I said.

          “But it is the only chance that we got, we have to try. Please Sami.” Kyle said. I groaned.

          “Fine, we go to the Angel Castle, probably to our deaths, and save Tristan who will be turned into one in 4 days. Huzzah!” I said, doing jazz hands. Kyle glared at me.

          “You make it sound impossible.” Kyle said.

          “It practically is.” I shot back.

          “Girls you are both pretty, but we have only so much time.” Jamie shot in, and I couldn’t help be smile at that. Kyle frowned.

          “Ok, we should head out now while we have more time… it’ll be nightfall in about 2 hours, so let’s get going.” I said, and so I sent Kyle to go get Tristan.

          “Guys look! I have black hair!” Tristan came in grinning. “Who dyed my hair?” We all looked at each other. I nodded at Kyle, who took a deep breath.

          “Tris, we got some bad news. Your transformation is faster than most… a lot faster actually… and you will be an Angel in 4 days. We are heading to the castle to force Raphiel to stop the transformation. That black hair is part of the transformation.” Kyle said. Tristan stared at us.

          “So you mean to say that nobody dyed my hair my hair?” Tristan said. I looked at him.

          “That is seriously what you are going to ask?” I said, looking at him. He gave me a heart broken smile.

          “I’m trying to not to think about it… how my life is going to be over in four days...”

          “I’m sorry Tristan.” I walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

          “I’m fine… I just need to talk to Kyle for a couple minutes, and then we can head out.” Kyle glanced over at me, and I smiled sadly, then turned and left.

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