Rebecca Sawyer and her family went to Saint Xavier's since Rebecca had been born, and finally, she can move to Texas with her family and go to Mass there. They're not there for more than four months before a few newly converted families from Europe...
Becca was in her room with Katy as Katy took a shower, putting on her make up while she heard Niall and Harry get dressed in clothes they were borrowing from her brothers. She had found out it was a party where you got to wear a mask, so luckily, the Sawyer family had gone to a masquerade party a long time ago and still had the leather masks they'd worn.
Becca finished getting her make up done, then went into the bathroom, telling Katy,
"I'm going to go help Harry with his hair so nobody recognizes us. I'll be right back."
"Can I pick out the dresses?" Katy called.
"Yes." Becca laughed, going out. She knocked on her brother's room door, and heard Niall shout,
"Come in!" She went in and saw Harry sitting on the bean bag chair, dressed in her brother James' clothes, looking uncertain and undeniably cute.
"Hey Harry, get up. I'm gonna do your hair. Oh gosh that sounds weird." Harry laughed and got up, going out of the room and sitting on the floor outside in the hallway. Becca started by straightening his hair, then did a neat trick she'd figured out when her hair was the same length, and managed to make it look like he had short hair. As she was trying to get some of his shorter hairs tucked in neatly, there was an awkward moment where she was very close to his face.
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When she finished, Katy soon came out and pulled her back in the room, helping her change. She'd picked out two dresses, (look above. Becca is Taylor but the neck isn't that low and the straps are more modest, Katy is the other one) and set out shoes. First however, she curled Becca's fast growing hair, which reached down to her chest. After she curled her hair she gave her a matching silver headband, and Becca did Katy's hair. (Like in the blue dress picture but with red hair) They went down the stairs, Katy going down before Becca as she was having trouble getting her shoes on.
Niall's reaction to Katy was priceless; when he saw her coming down the stairs, his jaw dropped and he outright stared at her. Harry didn't notice as he was just standing there with his hands clasped behind his back, looking up at the end of the stairs, waiting for Becca.
Becca almost tripped coming down the stairs, as she was putting on her coat, or trying to, while tossing Katy's down the stairs, but she still managed to make Harry stare as well. When she got down to them, she looked at him and said quietly,
"You look really nice Harry." Harry bowed, making her laugh, then replied,
"You look beautiful." She blushed and curtsied.
"Why thank you kind sir." They then proceeded to leave, and drove to the yacht party.
As they drove to the event, they considered what they should tell people when asked for their names. Becca decided, with help from Harry, on Duchess Clare Ford. Harry decided, with help from Becca, on John Doe.
Tbh I think it would be boring to describe the whole party so imma just tell you this; Becca sang Flashlight on the karaoke machine,they danced to a song, then wandered out onto the deck. Continuing from there.
Becca stood on the edge of the deck, leaning her hands on the rail, absorbing herself in her thoughts. Believe it or not, she'd actually needed a break, because she'd been absorbed previously in watching Harry. Call it creepy but when you liked, no loved, someone as much as Becca loved Harry, you got mesmerized by the smallest things they did. Even if it was just the way they smiled, or the way they walked.
"Hey." She jumped at the sound of Harry's voice, then shook her head at herself, looking down at the water before looking up at him as he stood next to her.
Harry noticed Becca leave the main room, so he soon followed her example. He saw her standing on the deck looking down at the sea, and took a deep breath at the beauty of his girlfriend. Her beautiful hair was rippling in the wind, and her silver skirt was spread on the floor like a queen. To him, she was a queen. She was beautiful and flawless; any man would be SO bloody lucky to have her as a girlfriend. But her beauty wasn't just skin deep, she was kind and thoughtful. The feeling he got whenever he was around her was indescribable; but when they even momentarily touched, sparks flew all across his body.
Shaking his head, he went over to her, accidentally startling her as he did.
"Well hi Hazza." She greeted, smiling. She rested her chin on her hands, gazing back out at the water.
"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.
"Nothing's wrong...I'm just thinking is all."
"About what?" She glanced at him then replied,
"I'm just sort of, I'm not important. It seems like everyone has more friends than me, more true friends. I love my friends, don't get me wrong. But, I feel like I'm of minimal importance except when I'm around Katy, Lauren and Ari. Like...I don't even know. I don't feel that way around you either. Everyone's better with people than me." She sighed and raked a hand through her hair in frustration.
"I feel so bloody selfish!" She exclaimed, clenching her hands into fists. Harry wasn't sure what to say at first, then he decided to say what he thought.
"Calm down, Becca. I'll tell you what I think you are. I think you're a kind, beautiful unselfish woman that goes to great lengths to make other people." Becca bit her lip, unsure.
"Do you really think so?"
"Nope. I know so." Becca smiled softly then shivered, which made Harry realize she wasn't wearing her coat, and it was cold outside. He slid off his own coat, putting it on Becca's shoulders.
"Harry no, you'll get cold." She protested but Harry just laughed it off.
"Well if I have to wear your coat..." She said, putting her arms through the sleeves,
"You have to keep your arms warm." Harry tilted his head.
"How?" Becca rolled her eyes.
"Take a wild guess." Harry chuckled then Becca turned to face the water again, her back facing Harry. Harry slid his arms around her waist, Becca covering his hands from the wind with the sleeves of his coat on her hands, the hem on the coat sleeves going past her knuckles. Becca shivered, but this time it wasn't from the cold wind.
"I like this position." She said quietly. Harry rested his chin on her shoulder, humming in reply.
"I do too. This way, everyone knows you're mine." Becca giggled.