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(A/N My little babies! I just want to squish there cheeks! That's what Dan and Phil look like ^^)

Phil's POV

I squeezed Dans hand as I watched the dead corpse intensely. It was planning something, I just know it.

"Luke, come behind me, slowly," I whispered, but Luke just stood there, frozen in fear.

"Luke," I said a little bit louder but it was too late.

The thing screamed and pounced right on Luke, sharp nails clawing at his shirt.

I screamed in anger as I pushed Michael and Dan behind me. I can't lose another friend, I just can't. I pushed the rotting corpse off of Luke, who scrambled away in pain.

I looked around the room, whimpering as the things nails dig into my side. My eyes lit up as I spotted a glass lamp balanced on a shelf.

"Michael! The lamp!" I yelled.

Michael instantly bolted over to the lamp and grabbed it. He tossed it over to me, I said a 'thank you' before smashing the lamp on the corpses head.

It screamed in pain and fell backward onto the ground. I sighed in relief and closed the door to the room.

"Y-you saved me," Luke said.

I nodded as I turned around. "I'm not letting anyone of you guys die, you guys are too young," I said as I crouched down to meet the younger boys blue eyes.

"Thank you," Michael muttered.

I nodded. "It's no problem, how about you guys get some sleep?"

Michael shook his head as he exclaimed. "No! No! I don't need sleep, you guys do! Yeah?" I slowly shook my head as I examined the two younger boys.

They looked like a wreck, I must say. Dan and I are used to this now, we sleep some times, we even have a little hideout that we-oh wait, I forgot to tell them.

I rubbed my face in frustration as I thought. I can't say anything about the hideout out loud, because they could be watching so I just said.

"Guys, get off your asses and follow me,"

Luke's ears perked up as he slowly got up. He stumbled a little but Michael made sure he didn't fall, thankfully.

"Where are we going?" Michael asked.

I looked around and made sure we were all here. I nodded to myself as I saw everyone was here and turned around, walking out of the room and into the darkness.

"Just trust me and follow me," was all I said before turning a corner.

I quickly grabbed Dans hand when it became dark and made sure Michael and Luke were still following.

I put out my hand and rubbed it against the wall until I felt a cold familiar doorknob. I opened it and walked into the all too familiar room that led us too our hideout.

"You guys okay?" I asked as I opened a cabinet that had a long vent leading to our secret place.

A sigh was heard. "Yup,"

I nodded and let go of Dans hand. I squeezed into the vent and shrieked quietly as my head hit the metal ceiling. "Don't hit your head like I just did," I pouted as I heard Dan laugh a little but soon it was quiet as we all crawled through the vent.

I huffed as my feet touched the cement floor and I walked into the room where all our stuff was.

"Wow, how did you get all of this stuff?" Luke asked, as he walked around the room.

"We found them, or we made them," I told them.

I patted the spot where some pillows and blankets were set. "You guys get some sleep, we'll keep watch," I begged.

Before Michael or Luke could protest, I gave them a warning look and finally they slumped their shoulders in defeat and laid down.

I smiled slightly as they both cuddled up in the small corner and soon fell asleep. I looked up slightly as I felt Dan squeeze right next to me.

"Phil?" Dan laid his head on my shoulder.

"Yes, love?"

"I'm tired of living,"

"Why is that?"

Dan sighed as he fiddled with his fingers. "I miss my family,"

I frowned. "Me too,"

I looked up at Dan who had glassy eyes. I kissed his lips sweetly and wiped a stray tear that ran down his beautiful face.

"I-I love you Phil,"

"I love you too, Dan,"

A/N well guess who cried while writing this? *raises hand* I did! I hope you like this chapter! Bye friends! 

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