Draco x Reader

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(Can you tell that Draco is my favorite? xD)
You just recently transferred from Beauxbatons, and Professor Dumbledore was letting you get sorted. You walked to the front of the Great Hall, each and every pair of eyes watching you like hawks. The entire room was silent except for the crackle of the candles around the room. You sat down on the chair as the hat was put on your head. You hear whispers coming from the hat, and you wonder whether or not to get up and scream.


The table to your right bursts into applause. You shakily stand and walk to the table covered in silver and green. A boy with bleach blonde hair waves you over, and you sit at the open seat next to him.

"I'm Draco" he says shaking your hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N"

"Y/N" He says, "That's a beautiful name"
You walk slowly to the dungeons. Potions was your next class and it was taught by Professor Snape. Everyone you talked to, given that they were all Gryffindors, said that Professor Snape was the worst professor in Hogwarts.

"I was hoping to find you" Draco said from behind you. He was wearing his green slytherin robes, and his bag was slung across his shoulder.

"Hey, Draco. I'm not really excited about Potions" You says smiling.

He chuckles, "Don't worry. Professor Snape only bugs the Gryffindors."

You both stop at the dooe to his classroom. "You're going to do great" Draco says patting your shoulder.


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