Blaise x April

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I walk down the stairs to my secret room. It's September 1, and I can't wait to go to Hogwarts. I've been waiting for eleven years and It's finally here.

I unlock the hatch and carefully climb in. The walls are lined with Quidditch posters and the Slytherin emblem. My parents and my parents parents have all been in Slytherin, so there really is no question that I'm about to wear green robes.

I sit down on one of the silver bean bags and grab a book. I have another hour before I have to get ready, so I'm going to take advantage of the time I have left.


"April, It's time to go." My mother says, "Just run through this wall here, don't even think that you're going to hit the wall"

I grab my cart and brace for myself for the hit. It never comes, and I open my eyes. Everyone standing around me is either staring at the scarlet steam engine, or looking for a relative.

"You must hurry, April" My mother says, "There is five minutes until eleven."

She kisses me on the head and helps me grab my stuff, "Write to me"

"I will, mum" I grab my trunk and walk onto the train. My cat (insert cat name here) jumps onto my shoulder and purrs.

Unfortunately, every compartment is full. I decide to go to the closest one. "Hello, do you mind if I sit here ?"

A boy with bleach blonde hair and grey eyes speaks up first, "No we don't mind"

I place my trunk in the shelves above.

"I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy" He extends his hand to mine and I politely shake it, "Have any idea on what house you're going to be in ?"

"I'm April, and yes, I do actually. I'm going to be a Slytherin"

Draco smiles to me, "This is Blaise and Pansy"

Pansy smiles to me. I look over to Blaise.

Wow, he's cute.



"Nice to meet you, April" Blaise says shaking my hand.


I grab my sketchbook and begin to draw. I finish the shading on my drawing and place down my pencils.

"You can draw?" Blaise asks me. Draco and Pansy left the compartment to go do something else.

"Yes" I say, "I've been drawing ever since I was five"

"May I see one ?" I nod and hand him my book. I decided to show him the one of a girl swinging on the swings. It has a multi-colored background, and the actual girl on the swing is fully colored black.

"It's really  good!" Blaise says

I blush," Thanks"____________________________

I know.. really sucky way to end it.

Hope you liked it ! I'm sorry it took so long.


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