Eli x Draco

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Plot: reader is a bestfriend of Draco, she's had a really bad week so on friday morning she decides to skip all of her classes even lunch. When draco found out that reader hasnt been in any classes he oes and checks on her. when he does he finds her crying and brought her dinner because he knows she hasnt eaten all day, tries to make her feel better even though they arent dating, he soon admits that he loves reader. keep rambling on about how he loves her when reader stops him midsentence asking him if he really loves her. she is speechless until he asks her whats wrong, and she says i love you too, they kiss and start to do the deed. after they do it theyre laying on the bed and draco is lightly nipping her neck once in a while whispering i love you in between kisses, and she becomes dracos slytherin princess.

Name: Eli

Boy: Draco



Year 6

(A/N There is some light smut in here btw)

I can't even tell you how much homework I have. I have to study for the NEWT next year, and I need to pass my finals this year. Snape gave me extra homework because I 'wasn't paying attention'. Professor McGonagall told me to work on Transfuguration since I was failing. Everything was a mess.

I was currently sitting on my bed. My quills were all over the place, and ink blots covered my sheets. My homework was everywhere and my book was on the other side of the room.

'Change the teacup given to you into a rat. Bring the product to me, and I will grade you; Maximum grade is a P'

Shouldn't be too hard...
Draco's POV

"Have you seen Eli, Blaise ?" I ask

He shakes his head, "No. Maybe Pansy knows ?"

I scoff, "Why would I talk to Pansy?"

"She's a girl. Maybe Eli is in the girls dorms?"

I sigh, "I haven't seen her in a happy mood once this week"

"You will" Blaise says smiling.

After breakfast is over, I make my way to my first class. Eli and I usually sit next to each other during Transfiguration, but she wasn't here today. This continued for the rest of the day. All the classes I had with Eli ended up with me sitting next to Pansy. It was bloody awful.

By the time dinner comes, I begin to get worried. If Eli hasn't eaten all day, something is wrong. She adores food.

I grab a few pieces of chicken, some potatoes, and some Pumpkin Juice. I carry it all the way to the common room.

"Venomous Tentacula"

The bricks in the wall seperate, and I walk into the common room. I speed walk into the girls dorm, and find Eli on her bed. She is surrounded by parchment and ink.

She's sleeping peacefully, and I gently wake her up.
Eli's POV

"Draco ?" I say, "What are you doing here?"

"Bringing you food"

I smile, "Thanks. I thought boys weren't allowed in the girl's dorms"

He smirks, "I know a few people"

I eat the food, sharing a bit of it with Draco. He stays with me so I can have company for the next few hours.

Why did McGonagall have to give me extra homework ?

"Why are you crying, Eli ?"

I go to wipe my eyes and find tears. I never knew I was crying.

"I have no idea.." I say embarrassed

Draco wipes a tear off my cheek with his thumb, "Don't cry"

I place everything on my bed onto the floor. I needed a break.

Draco opens his arms for me, and I glady accept. The cheesiness is real. His arms are a lot warmer than my duvet. He places a soft kiss on my head before going lower to my neck. I bite my lip to hold back a moan.


He lays me down onto my bed and continues to kiss my neck. I quickly unbutton his shirt and try to take it off. My hands are shaking, and Draco notices.

"Nervous, Eli ? We don't have to do this"

I smirk, "Just do it". (Shia LeBeouf anyone ?)

He sowly slides down my spandex and rests his hands on my hips. He pulls off my shirt, his following soon after.

"You're so beautiful" He goes back to my neck and begins kissing it again. I quietly moan and he smirks against my skin.

After our mini makeout session, he takes the remainder of our clothes off.

"You know I love you, right ?" he asks

"Of course I do"

He pulls me closer to his body, peaving light kisses on my cheeks and shoulders.

"You. are. so. beautiful"

I smile, "You've said that like 60 flajillion times". (That's what me and my friend say xD)

"And it's completely true"

Sorry this took so long, I had hardcore writers block.

Thanks for reading !


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