Harry x Reader

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Homework. That was all you could focus on. Your best friend Neville couldn't study today because he had to do something with his aunt, so you were sitting all alone in the Gryffindor common room catching up on all the homework you've missed.

You eventually get so caught up in your work that you end up losing track of time. You still focus and don't even bother to look at the clock.

"Still up, y/n ?"

You jump up out of your seat, "holy.. Harry you scared me"

He chuckles and you eventually end up laughing with him. You pack up all of your books and quills and leave the borrowed inkpots on the table.

"Whatcha need, Harry ?" you ask. He walks up to you and hands you a picture.

"I need you to look at this picture and tell me what you see" Harry says seriously.

He hands you the picture and you examine it. You see sort of a blotchy color in the top right, and two people fighting in the middle. They are both surrounded by people. The picture starts to move, there is a green spark shooting out of what seems like a wand, and an orange spark out of the other wand.

They continue to duel until eventually the person with the green spark falls to the ground. You scream and throw down the picture.

"y/n !" Harry says catching you. He looks at your y/e/c eyes and sees you blinking. A wave of relief seems to have gone over him, and you both continue to lay there on the ground.  You slowly realize what just happened, and you laugh, Harry following along.

You both just lay there until Ron comes down. "Stop snogging and go to sleep!"

Oh Ron.. xD

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