Your Enemy

900 28 12


Cho Chang


Lavender Brown


Pansy Parkinson


Angelina Johnson


Alicia Spinnet


No one. Everyone thought you were anazing.

Ok So haiiiiii people of the world !!

I officially am back from my break.

Still going to have a bunch of slow updates, but I'll get the things out there.

Thank you so much for sticking with me and staying this far. It means a lot to me.

So I've made a change to my 'no smut rule'

I will only have smut in requested imagines. And it will probably suck cause I've never written smut before.

Leave your requests below. It will take a while to get them out here but yea (:

Thanks for reading !


Harry Potter ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant