What Show You Watch Together

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Ok you know what just happened to me.

My best friend forced me to watch Teen Wolf, and now I cant stop. Like why is Jackson so hot. and why does Scott look like he would have an amazing resting bitch face.

Oh and that freaking one episode where that Jackson guy had that Monkshood thingy pulled out of neck.

Boi but last night i was watching The Vampire Diaries and Sherrif Forbes dies of cancer.  (Sorry dont kill me im already too into the feels)

and like SO WAS I. freaking ughhhhhh. oh and btw, if anyone tries to steal Elijah from me, you can fight my Hybrid self okay ?? okay.

TFIOS people

Alrighty Right. Here's the preference.


The 100. nuff said boiii


Cutthroat Kitchen. You especially loved the episode where the guy thought Alton said "Brisket and Gravy" instead of "Biscuits and Gravy". There's a meme too


The Vampire Diaries. He feels like he could easily live the life Niklaus Mikaelson does, so you pretended to hate him since he 'killed' your friends. Draco had to make it up to you later ;))


Ace of Cakes. WHO DOESn'T LoVe CaKEs.


Bones. He loves being all sciency and stuffs.


Being the badass he is, Neville has to watch Teen Wolf. I mean, who doesn't want to be around Scott and Stiles all the time. ESPECIALLY DEREK BACK UP BOI HE'S MINE


The Walking Dead. He admitted to you he kinda had a man crush on Carl, so he forced you to watch it. You instantly fell in love with the show, and you and Oliver fought a lot over Carl.

ok i just facepalmed. my sister was like this. (im in bold shes in dis font)

"I hate cake"

"Ok, no cupcakes for you then"

"I dont like cake, but i like cupcakes."

"They're the same thing"

"I know, but they're smaller"

"What's the difference ?"

"I don't know"


This chapter was brought to you by Peter Parker accidentaly killing a spider and holding a mini funeral for it while flushing it down the toilet yelling 'IM SORRRRYYYYY'

-Poptart :))

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