Fred x Reader

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You slowly walk down the hallway. You were late to your class and you thought What's the point ? I'm late anyways, might as well take my time.
You brush your hands along the wall as you walk. You hum your favorite song and walk to the beat.
We used to play pretend give eachother different names, we would build a rocket ship, and then we'd fly it far away, used to dream of outerspace but now their laughing at our face, saying "wake up you need to get money!"
"Oh, you like that song to?"
You jump and squeal (a/n squeal? xD)
You turn around to see the one and only Fred Weasley.

His red hair is messier than usual, like he just woke up. His voice is hoarse and he begins to cough when you look back at him.

"Bloody hell Fred. Why are you even out here?" You ask

Fred smirks, "I could ask you the same thing"

"Im late" You reply
"I'm sick" You and Fred begin to laugh.

"I'm ditching class" You say proudly, "Wanna come ?"
Fred grabs your hand and you both walk down the hallway to who knows where

(its me)
Ok so im sorry that this is so short, I didnt really have a lot of ideas. I'm going back to a few of my chapters to try to get an original idea.

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