Harry x Reader

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"Hey, Harry" a random girl says.

You scoff. She obviously knew you were his girlfriend. She obviously knew that you were sitting right there.

"Um" you say, "I'm gonna need you to go"

The girls smirks, "Or what? Are you going to go crying back to your mum and dad ?"

You swing your fist and hit her right in the jaw. She looks shocked at first, so she holds her jaw.

"Why did you hit me ?" she asked in hysterics.

"You annoy me" you answer simply.

Harry tries to hold in his laugh. He grabs your arm and takes you back to the common room.

"That," he laughs, "was the best thing I have ever seen, y/n"

You smirk confidently, "Thanks"

He grabs your waist and pulls you into a quick kiss.

"I love you" he says looking into your eyes

"I love you too"


Sorry that it's so short..

You should go check out my new fanfic :)

And maybe even some of my older ones, (Even I haven't re-read some of them, so I'm really scared to xD)



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