Draco x Reader pt. 2

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This deadass just came to mind and you all know im about to write this shit down LMAO.

Dear Y/N

Weird way to start out a heart-filled letter, but I recently broke up with Lyra. We talked things out and we both agreed it would benefit us both.

I miss you, but not as much as you hope I do.

Maybe we could try something again. I'm all for it, let's see how it goes.

Maybe we'll make history with this new relationship (if you can't tell I'm being extremely optimistic) and maybe someone would write a book about us.

Meet me after Potions, I know your class is close.


And little did they know, a Poptart was aboot to start a fanfiction LMAO

idk where i got that idea but im basically basing this off what has happened in the past few months, just in Hogwarts style.

so i have A LOT of details and stories.

hit up my new story (idk what its called yet. wait fo da update)



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