Snape x Reader

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(In honor of Alan Rickman) Imagine 14 year old Severus Snape :)

You were a Gryffindor and he was a Slytherin. It was forbidden love. Well, stereo-typically. You and Severus would always sneak out to the Shrieking Shack at midnight to hang out. You would always talk about your life and all the things that had happened between the visits. He would hold you when you cried and he would laugh when you laughed. You would always listen to him, but sometimes, none of the things he said would make sense.

"He is coming, y/n. He's coming and He won't stop until he finds out who I'm associated with. I can't see you anymore"

"Why, Severus?" you would ask

"I'm protecting you, y/n. I can't live without you, but I have to power through.. for you."

"Severus, how long have you known this?"


(omg im crying real jesus tears guys)

You would stay in the Gryffindor common room past midnight. You would skip classes, and if you ever attended a class, you would zone out and forget everything. Even having your long lost cousin coming to visit couldn't help lift your spirits.

"You need to get your homework done, Miss y/l/n" Professor Sprout says.

"I will professor. I just.. need some time alone" you reply.

"Alright, y/n. I will give you a week to do your homework" Professor Sprout says. You nod your head and walk back to your common room.


" y/n!"

You turn your head. Severus is standing there, with roses and a huge smile plastered onto his face.

"Severus?" you walk up to him. He continues to look at you, and it sort of feels like he is reading your mind.

"Here" Severus says to you, "I wanted to apologize for everything that has happened in the past six months."

He hands you the roses and you smile. You run into his embrace and hug him like you've ever hugged him before.

"Y/N, I have always loved you." He says looking into your eyes, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

You waste no time pressing your lips onto his. He stands there in shock, but eventually starts to kiss back. You drop the roses and you both start to snog. Full on freaking snogging.

"Always?" he asks

You smile, "Always"



I'm writing a The Vampire Diaries fanfic. its about Damon and a girl named Maia. So it's prob not gonna be published for a bit.

Thanks to everyone who has stayed with me so far :)


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