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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Lyra's alarm chirped at her.

"Ugh...." she moaned as she rolled out of bed and turned it off. "I HATE the part about school that says we have to get up early...." She mumbled as she walked toward her closet to get dressed.


When Lyra went down to the kitchen; in which she would ALWAYS find her mother there before her, newspaper and coffee in hand; she was surprised when she found it torn apart, and the glass patio door smashed out.

"MOM...?" She called warily, grabbing an umbrella from the front door for defense. There was no answer. Lyra walked through the kitchen doorway very slowly, expecting someone to jump out at her.. but the room was empty. Or so she thought. "HELLO?! IS ANYONE THERE?!" She called again, her voice echoing off the empty walls. Again, no answer. Just the ringing in her hears,and the sound of the coffee maker studdering. Abandoning her umbrella, she walked farther into the room to try and clean up. She started with the shattered glass from the patio door.

"You really look like your father..." A husky voice said from behind, startling her. The voice continued, unaware that she had frozen on the spot. "Let's see if you fight like him too!" the man said as out of the shadows he flew, pouncing like a sabertooth cat would on its prey. Lyra yelled and jumped out of the way. she landed by the cupboards.

"Who the HELL are you?!?!" She yelled as she armed herself with a frying pan.

"Who me?" he answered, " Oh.. I'm no one special... But you." He paused and smiled. "You're Lyra Silverfox right?"

Lyra raised an eyebrow,but did not drop her defenses. "Yes.. but who wants to know?" she asked furiously.

"My name is Victor Creed. But, you can call me Sabertooth. And you are coming with me"

"Where's my mom?!?!" she demanded, as she lifted her weapon above her head, ready to strike.

"Your mom? oh she's right here..." Victor said as he moved to the side a little bit.

"MOM!!!!" Lyra exclaimed as she dropped her frying pan, running to her side. Kayla was not breathing or moving,and was covered head to toe in blood. "What the hell did you do to her?!?!" she said as she started to cry. "Mom?? Mom.. Please be okay..." she said softly

'She won't answer you..." Victor started "She's dead...." he said with a smile.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'SHE'S DEAD'?!?!?!?!" Lyra screamed. She was furious. Victor had come into her home, destroyed it, and killed her mother. Now she wanted revenge. She would kill Victor before she died herself, f it was the last thing she did.

Just then, Victor grabbed her shoulder. "Now.. We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way." He grinned. " personally I love the hard way, but I'm giving you a choice. Either you can come with me quietly, or i can make you quite." He smiled at the last part. It was then that Lyra became aware of the searing pain that was coming from her hand. When she looked down, there were tiny, bone-like claws pertruding from in between her knuckles.

"I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH U!!!" Lyra said as she lunged at him, kicking him with her high-heeled boots, and slicing him in the back with her claws. Sabertooth groaned, and fell to the floor with a loud thump. Lyra smiled viciously. "Never underestimate a girl who ahs taken three years of Judo and Ty-Quan-Do."

"Lyra....." a faint voice said. It was her mother. Lyra ran to her side as she was saying, "Lyra.. Listen to me. Run form here and don't stop running until you find a safe place. Forget about me... Find your father...." Kayla said softly as she held her daughter's hand.

"Mom... I.. Can't leave you...." she said as she started to cry.

"I love you...." Kayla said, and then her hand went limp in Lyra's. That was the last thing that she heard from her mother.

Hey guys! Its your best pal jojo here :-) i just wanna say thanks for all the reads i'm getting! You guys are the best. I never thought that i would be writing a story on wattpad,let alone having peiple actually read it. ILYA

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-Jojo :-)

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