A Surprise Visit

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(hehehehe funny pic right?)

"Do you think I can go back to my house to get some of my belongings?" Lyra asked Kitty. It had been a whole week since the "incident", and she needed some of her own clothes. She could no longer keep wearing Kitty's. She was much taller than Lyra, and Lyra had to constantly watch her feet so she would not trip on the pant legs.

"Are you crazy?!!? Logan would kill you!" Kitty exclaimed.

"Not alone Kitty!" she giggled. "I would take you, Kurt, Scott and Jean with me for backup if something happened." Lyra laughed harder.

"Ohh..." Kitty said, blushing.

"You really thought that I would go alone?' she said with a laugh. She really thought that Kitty was smarter than that. "I'm not stupid Kitty." She laughed some more.

"Ohh... Well.. Don't tell Logan you're going, or it will be like hell on earth around here." Kitty said seriously. then she smiled. "I'll get the other's ready. Meet us in the garage."


"I still don't see why you would go back to your house Lyra... Didn't you say it was destroyed?" Scott said.

"Well. I need some of my clothes and my special belongings." She answered him. As they headed up the drive to her house, she sighed. She had been longing to go back for about the whole week that she had been away. In fact, this had been the only thing on her mind.


"Okay. You guys stay here while I go in. If I'm not back in 10 minutes, or I scream for you, come in ready to fight." Lyra commanded. "I'll be out shortly. Hopefully." she said as she left them behind in the car. She didn't want anyone to get hurt on her account.

when she went inside, she half expected for the place to be in shambles, and for her mom to still be laying on the floor. But she was wrong. the house was in immaculate condition, and her mom was nowhere to be found. "What the hell?" Lyra said surprised. "What the hell happened to my house?!?!" The walls where Victor had scratched them, had been patched, and everything was back where it belonged. "what the HELL is going on here??"

"I thought you said that your place was a mess Lyra..." a voice said from behind her. she didn't even have to turn around to know who was speaking.

"I thought I told you to stay in the car Kurt..." she said sighing, and realising that no matter how hard she tired, he would never listen to her commands. "It was when I left... someone has been here since then" she said, sniffing the air.

Kurt frowned. "I know.. But Scott and Jean were already getting worried, and so was I..." he said sighing. "Please don't be mad at us okay?" He looked at the ground sadly.

Lyra sighed and shook her head. "Why on earth would I be mad at you for caring about my safety" she smirked. This made Kurt smile a little. She was glad that she had people around her who cared for her safety. Especially people like Kurt.

"Do you want me to help with anything?" He asked politely in his German accent. He was definitely the only person she had ever known to actually like being given a job to do.

As she walked up the stairs, Kurt followed along behind her. "Yeah. Can you go fill this duffel bag with my essentials like clothes and my hair stuff for me?" She asked as she walked towards her mom's room. "I just want to grab some important things from my mom's keepsake box in her room."


As Kurt nodded and ran to her room, Lyra noticed her mom's door was closed. Her door was always open.

"That's odd..." she said as she hesitated to open it. What she saw next was very alarming, and made no sense at all.

"Hello again Lyra..." a voice said.

(OOH! Wonder who it could be? Guess you must keep reading to find out... :-) :-) )

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