Rescue Mission

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"So what is the plan again?" Bobby asked for the thousandth time.

"Bobby?" Lyra said, grinding her teeth together.

"Yesssss Lyra?" he asked, smiling. He was obviously was doing this to make her upset. AND IT WAS WORKING.

"If I have to explain the plan one. more. time... I'M GOING TO FREAK!" she grumbled through clenched teeth.

Bobby backed away. "Look's like she's got your attitude Logan..." he whispered to him.

"I heard that!" she snapped. "And I do not!!"

"We're right over Stryker's hideout!" Gambit yelled over the plane's engine. "Better be ready!!"


The plan was this: Bobby would distract the guards, and then freeze them. Gambit would them blow up the doors and let them in. Wolverine was to go after Stryker while she saved her mom. The plan was foolproof. Except for one thing.....

"Hello again my little darling..." a voice said from behind her, as she unlocked her mother's cell.

"Victor! Shit.... I forgot about him..." she swore under her breath. 

"What was that?" he smirked. "Someone's little perfect plan wasn't oh so perfect after all?" he mocked. 

"Oh shut up!" she snapped back at him. "I'm so tired of being mocked! All my freaking life I have been mocked and picked on because I was different! You have NO IDEA what that is like!!" she yelled.

Victor sighed. "Actually my lovely, I do.." he started. 

"Save it for someone who cares Victor."She waved and looked back at her mom. She had to get her out of here. "You want a fight? You got one!" she screeched as she pounced on him.


The fought for what felt like hours. she was beginning to get tired, but she wasn't gonna give up that easy. 

"Victor!! We have to get out of here!! NOW!!" Stryker yelled. 

"Another time my darling...." He said as he turned and ran. Lyra fell to the floor. She let him go... Again...


Logan entered the room shortly after Stryker and Victor left.  As he looked at Lyra, collapsed on the floor, he ran over to see if she was ok. then he looked in her eyes, and Lyra pointed over to Kayla. 

"Kayla!!" He ran over to her outstretched arms. 

"Oh Logan! I missed you so much! Please never leave me again..." she said, sobbing into his shoulder. Lyra stood up and looked at them, then she began to cry herself. Her mom and Logan walked over to her and pulled her into the hug. Her family was whole again. What she didnt know was that it was not over yet.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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