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(Thanks to all of you who have waited so patiently for me to update!)

"What do you mean she's not dead?!? I WATCHED HER DIE!! I HEARD HER LAST WORDS!!" Lyra yelled, her voice getting louder ever word.

"Lyra please stay calm. Your mother is fine... for now." Stryker said as he stepped aside.

Lyra gasped at what she saw. There was her mother, alive. Breathing. Well. Why would she trick her like that?

As Kayla ran up to give her a hug, Lyra turned away. "Mom? How could you do this to me? Why on earth did you want to make me think you were DEAD?..." Lyra sobbed. "Why? Why would YOU DO THAT?" She yelled, tears in her eyes.

Kayla sobbed with her. "I didn't have a choice hunny." She sobbed."If i didn't do what Stryker said, Victor said he would kill you..." she said, continuing to cry.

Lyra spun around.

"You were going to kill me? WHAT THE HELL?" She was starting to get fed up with her so-called uncle...

Victor just smirked. "Only if you didn't cooperate or were difficult. But you got a lucky shot that day."

Lyra scoffed. She couldn't believe the nerve of this man. "Well what do you want from me? I'm of no use to you General..." she spat the last word.

"Oh yeas you are..." Stryker stated softly.

Kayla took a step forward, stepping between him, Victor and Lyra. "You SWORE you wouldn't hurt her if I helped you.." she growled angrily.

"And I won't have to, If she cooperates nicely." Stryker said as he stepped passed her and Victor grabbed her.

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