Chapter 3

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The lunch line was hell.  When N'lah and I got out of the line we sat at our circle table in the way back that we have been sitting at since 9th grade.  Our school can throw down when it comes to food, well on certain days and today is that day.  I was like righteously grubbing on my food and so was N'lah.

"So that Kareem dude is like fine as hell." N'lah just blurts out.

"Yea I guess so, he's' okay."

"Just okay?" "Man God took his time on him." She bit her lip. 

"Oh my God, stop." I tell her so I can finish eating.

"Girl, he's walking over here."  She starts to viciously tap me like something is wrong with her.

I stare at her like she has lost her mind. "Calm 'yo boy crazy ass down somewhere."  I looked up and he was almost to our table.  He came and sat next to me.

"Wassup." He gets comfortable and starts to eat the fries that are on his plate.

"Hey." N'lah and I say it at the same time.

"So thanks for the pen, I'm Kareem by the way." He holds his hand out towards me.  I looked up and was instantly paralyzed.  I was staring into his gray blue eyes, I was oblivious to the fact that he was even talking to me.  "Oh yea, uh you're welcome." I say coming out of my trance.

N'lah whips her hair to the side and leans over the table. "So I'm N'lah."  She bats her eyelashes at him and smiles.  "Yea, I know and you're Justice."  He points at me.  "I be seeing ya'll around school."

Next thing you know someone else joins us at our table.  "Man I told you to let me skip you, you had me waiting in that long ass line."  He sat next to Kareem, they looked alike.  I'm , guessing it's his brother.  He looks up. "The beautiful Justice and N'lah, wassup, I'm Kyree."  N'lah and I look at each other then back at Kyree.  "You know us?" We say at the same time. "Of course ya'll are like the best friend goals of the school." He looks at us but looks at N'lah a little longer and then he starts to stuff his face.

"Kyree why you didn't wait for me I told you I was right behind you." Another addition to the table.  Kyree rolls his eyes. "Hi, I'm Khrystaline."  N'lah and I wave.

"You didn't tell me that were sitting with best friend goals."  She says.

"Is that what people call us?" I ask.

"Yep." Khrys answers.

"Well Kareem ain't tell me we were sitting over here either."  Kyree answers Khrys.

"We aren't sitting anywhere, ya'll ain't have to follow me over here."

Khrys and Kyree both roll their eyes.

"Are ya'll twins." N'lah asks.

"Yep, but I'm older." Khrys smiles.  "Only by five minutes." Kyree butts in.  "Okay but I'm still older than you."  "And you will never let me forget it."

Kyree and Khrys are in the 10th grade.  During conversation I kept stealing glances at Kareem.  The last time I did it he caught me and I quickly looked away.  After that I didn't look his way anymore. When lunch was over I was getting up to throw away my tray when Kareem offered to throw it away for me.  I would have insisted on throwing it away myself but I didn't feel like walking.  Kyree also offered to throw away N'lah's tray.  She let him.  It was time to go home.  Since we spent half the day in the gym we were off schedule.  I start to walk out the lunchroom and towards my locker.

"Hey, meet me by the car I'll catch up with ya'll." Kareem says to his siblings.  "Wait up." he says to me.  He finally catches up to me.  "Why are you walking so fast?"

"I don't know about you but I would like to hurry up before my ride leaves me."

"I drive so I don't have to worry about getting left." he states.  I say nothing and keep walking.

"Where's your friend?"

"She catches the bus so she had to go."

"I uh.. wanted to give you your pen back."

I finally reach my locker "Okay, so where is it?"

"I actually lost it but I just wanted to talk to you."

I roll my eyes at the fact that he lost my pen.  Like how could he be so careless. I get what I need out of my locker and put back what I don't need.

"I'm not a tutor."

"No, I wasn't going to ask you to tutor me." He says.

"So what do you want?"


My phone starts to ring and interrupts him.  I answer it.


"Guh you better bring yo' ass out the school before I leave you."

"I'm coming Nikki."  I roll my eyes and hang up the phone.

"I don't have time to talk I have to go." I start to speed walk out the door.

He starts jogging after me.  "I can take you home."

I stop walking and turn around.  " So I can end up in the woods somewhere?"  "No thanks."  I start back walking.

He walks beside me "Is there a number I can reach you at or-

I stop walking again "Look, Kareem or whatever your name is, I don't need a boyfriend, a fuck buddy, or somebody to come in my life fucking me over."  "So can you please go find somebody else's time to waste."

"I just wanted to be your friend, I'm not trying to waste your time." 

"Yea whatever."  I start to walk towards Nikole's car. 

"Let me walk you to the car." He walks with me.  He is starting to get on my damn nerves.  Like damn nigga can't yo' ass can't take a hint.  Leave me the hell alone.  I don't have time for this.  We make it towards the car and he opens my door for me and closes it.  He leans down into the window.

"Hey, how you doing my name is Kareem." He reaches his hand across me into the car.  Nikole shakes his hand.  "I'm Nikole, Justice's older sister." 

"It's nice to meet you mam." He smiles at her.

"Please do not call me mam."  She glares at him.

"My bad, I'm sorry but I just wanted to walk "my friend" to the car to be sure she was safe."  He looks at me and then back at Nikole.  I roll my eyes at him, I am so ready to go.

"Yea or you just trying to get in her panties."  "Look here lil boy my sister ain't easy and she ain't somebody you can just play games with."

"Nikole!"  I look her.

"No, I wouldn't do that and I understand."  His phone rings and he looks down.  "I gotta go my sister is getting impatient but it was nice to meet you."  He looks at Nikole.  "See you tomorrow Justice."  He smiles at me and walks away.  Nikole drives away.

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