Chapter 2

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I walked into the school and automatically heads started to turn. I actually start to wish that I had gotten here earlier so the attention would be on someone else and not me. Being the center of attention is not my thing. I don't fuck with nobody for real, the only person anybody would see me with is my best friend, N'lah. Or I just be by myself. People are fake as fuck and I choose not to surround myself with them because I might get the "fake disease".

As I'm walking towards the gym to retrieve my schedule I get a phone call from N'lah. "Girl where the hell you at?" she yells into the phone. "I'm walking towards the gym why?"

"Because you missing it, they then already go to fighting." she says. I roll my eyes at how excited she sounds. She is more into all the drama than I am. Basically I'm the calm one and she's the wild one.

"Okay, whatever I'm on my way." I hang up the phone. When I finally got to the gym the crowd from the fight was just settling down. I find N'lah at the top of the bleachers.

"Even though you missed it I got it all on my phone." she said as soon as I sat down.

"Oh, please I could care less about some ratchet ass fight."

"Whatever, I'll just keep it and charge people $1.50 to watch it." she sounds satisfied with herself.

"People ain't about to pay you to watch no damn fight."

"You'll be surprised."

"Sure, okay."

"You talked to Jaycion?" she asks me. "Uh no, why?" I asked giving her the stank look.

"No reason, I was just asking." she says trying to play it off. "What is it with him?" "You have been asking about him a lot lately."

"No I ha-

"Excuse me your stuff is in the way." I look up and it was no other than Tranique "the school hoe". She known for every damn thing. She has fucked basically the whole basketball team and football team. Half the people that are on the football team are on the basketball team anyway. She also fucked some people on the soccer team. She was class 3ed last year for sucking dick in the stairwell. Who knows what else she has done. She's just a nasty lil hoe.

"Um, bitch you can go around." N'lah says before I have a chance to say anything.

"Who you calling a bitch, hoe?" Tranique responds.

"Aye you can't be talking to my best friend like that and if anybody a hoe it's you cause ain't nobody forgot how you get down." I say.

"What you mean how I get down?" "Ian did shit."

By this time, some people's attention was on us and when Tranique seemed to be the only one oblivious to the fact that she was hoe had everybody laughing.

"What the fuck y'all laughing at cause ain't shit funny!"

"We laughing at 'yo hoe ass." Someone from the crowd shouted. N'lah stood up and got in Tranique's face, "Look bitch you bout to do some or waste my fucking time?"

"You ain't even worth my time." She starts to back up. "Hmm.. that's funny cause me and my best friend seemed to be worth your time like 2 minutes ago." N'lah started to walk back up on her. I jumped in front of her being the great best friend that I am. "Not today, you need to chill, its the first day." "Catch her after school."

N'lah backed off and Tranique went to the other side of the gym like the lil scary hoe she is. The principal and teachers and guidance counselors finally started to walk in. They should know better than to leave this amount of students alone for such a long period of time. It shouldn't take all of them to hand out schedules anyway. Once we received our schedules we were instructed to go to our classes. Of course I had a couple of classes with my bestie.

The first three classes were a drag. It was just teachers passing out syllabus, trying to assign projects, and telling us to go out and buy supplies that we ain't gone use. My next class is AP English, English is my favorite subject so this will be a breeze.

When I walked in the classroom I was one of the first people there accept for these two white kids. You know me all work and no play. As time past the classroom began to fill up and my best bitch N'lah walked in and joined me in the back. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all about learning and shit but that don't mean I have to sit in the front.

As the tardy bell rang the teacher didn't hesitate to start talking. "I am Mr. Smith and I will be your AP English teacher for the rest of the year." He wrote his name on the board as he talked, along with some other stuff that I guess was important. So, I started to write it down in my notebook.

"Remember if I'm writing, you're writing." He turns around. "It appears that no one is writing, except..." he says looking to the back of the room, "the little light skin girl in the back." He points at me. "Whats your name sweetie?" I look around and everyone is looking at me and N'lah is trying not to laugh. "Who me?" I point to myself. "No, the person behind you, yes you." He seems to be familiar with sarcasm.

"Uh.. my name is Justice." I manage to say. "Justice, what a pretty name, how about we all try to be more like Justice this year." He smiles and I sink down in my chair.

"Yea because Justice is the perfect student." N'lah makes fun of me. "Shut up retard and take notes." I snap at her. This is just great, all I need is for everyone thinking I'm a nerd or trying to copy off me.

The door opens and in walks some boy, I have seen him around school before. "Your are late, do you have a pass?" Mr. Smith asks the boy. "A pass?" "On the first day of school?" "You don't need a pass on the first day of school." the boy says smirking. "What is your name son?"

"Kareem." He responds

"Kareem what?"

"Kareem Sanchez."

Well Mr. Sanchez you need a pass on the "first day of school" for my class."

"Uh.. my bad, I was in the uh.. restroom." He is such a liar.

"Spent a pretty long time in there I see, take a seat."

The classroom is almost full and there were like three seats left and one of those seats were right in front of me and guess which one he chose. He came and sat right in front of me. "You need to copy these notes off the board." Said Mr. smith pointing at the board. He stared at him and waited on him to start writing.

"I don't have none to write with."

"What a shocker, does anyone have something that Mr. Sanchez can write with?" No one said anything they just looked around. "God, people it's the first day." Mr. Smith seems frustrated. I looked around, I hated to be the only person with an extra writing utensil. I slowly slid a pen over his shoulder and he took it. He turned around and showed me all 32 of his teeth. "Thanks."

"Shh.." I responded

"Thank you Justice for giving this nice young man something to write with." Once again Mr. Smith has put me on the spot.

Class ended quickly and now it is time for lunch.

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