Chapter 11

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When I walk through the front door of my dad's apartment I was in awe of the breath taking view. I know it's not my first time seeing it but every time I come here I can stand in front of this living room window and watch the city all day. Everyone looks like ants from up here.

I go to my room which also has a view that I love waking up to in the mornings. I freshen up and get ready to start my day. I haven't even finished my Christmas shopping and I have a lot to do. I put on layers of clothes, 3 shirts, a jacket, a coat, scarf, hat, leggings, pants, 3 pairs of socks, and my UGG boots. I do not play when it comes to this winter weather, I hate being cold but I love the winter.

"Why your sister didn't come with you?" My dad asks as we're sitting in traffic. "Now daddy you know Nikki don't like cold weather. She says she will visit in the summer."

My dad finds somewhere to park. As we make our way from store to store we spend more and more money. My daddy supplied me with more money before we got into the store. The money he gave me just now and the money he sends throughout the years in addition to the money my mom gave me there will be no limit on my Christmas shopping this year.

"So is there anyone new in your life?" My dad asks. Oh lord, I know where this conversation is going. "Nope." I say as I'm looking through the clothes rack. "Have you talked to what's his name?"

"No, dad I haven't and I don't plan on it."

"I'm just asking. I haven't seen you in a while, I just want to know what's been going on since we last seen each other." My dad and I talk often but he is so busy we don't have time for me to fill him in on everything. Christmas is the only time he is not busy for real so this is our time together.

"I know, it just still kind of hurts a little." "You want me to go shoot up his his house or go kidnap him or some?"

I burst out laughing. "No, I'll be fine." "You sure, because you know I got people for that." "Yes, I'm sure and sure you do." I say being sarcastic. My dad really knows how to lighten the mood. He can turn my frown upside down instantly.

"I actually made a new friend or something. I don't know what he is really."

"Are you attracted to him?"

"I don't know daddy. I mean like, he is cute, funny, and really persistent. I don't feel like I can trust him but at the same time I do. I like having him around and he treats me nice. It just hasn't been long enough for me to tell if his intentions are true. And why would I want to put myself through another relationship and suffer another heartache? I think I'll just chill for a while."

"Good job baby girl. I'm all for you chilling." He says chuckling. "But if his intentions are true and he is good for you, don't drive him away cause you might never find it again."

"Yes daddy."

After I finish secretly shopping for myself and for everyone else me and dad part ways so that we can shop for each other. My dad probably already has everything for me, he is not really a last minute person. It always takes me longer to shop for my dad than everyone else because I don't know how to shop for the opposite sex. I don't know what they want or what they like. I should know what to get him because he is my dad and we're so close but it's still kind of hard.

I find my way to several men stores and I can't seem to find the right thing so I buy lots of things. I bought him a lot of them button down dress shirts. He wears them to work and he probably has a lot but you can never have too many clothes. I have been shopping for dad for almost three hours and I haven't even noticed. I have decided that the next store I go in for him will be the last.

I go straight to the watch section thinking that maybe a watch will go good with his suits. I find three watches in my price range but I can't decide.

"Hey." I say taping this girl next to me. "Which watch do you like better?" She turns around and studies each watch. "The one in the middle with the silver and blue."

"Thanks, that was my first choice."

"That's good, you have good taste just like me." She says giggling.

"I guess I do. Thank you for your help I will see you around." I say walking away from the girl. As I'm walking towards the counter to pay for my dad's watch this man approaches me.

"Hey gorgeous."

"Hey." I say as I get to the counter. When she rings up the watch it is over $1000. As I'm reaching for my wallet the man puts his hand over mine. "Baby that has to be way out of your price rang. Let me handle that for you." I snatch my hand away. "Actually, it's a  little below my price range. I got it." I say as I pull my wallet out and pay for the watch in all cash.

You should see the look on this man's face. "Well can I take you out sometime or maybe we could-"

"Hey baby I was looking for you." Someone says putting their hand around my waist and kissing me on my cheek as the cashier bags the watch and gives me my receipt. I turn around real fast and bump heads with the girl whose opinion I asked for earlier. "Oh yea, babe, I told you I was about to pay for this." I say a little unrehearsed.

The man hasn't moved an inch but his face did drop. "So you two are-" " Yes and we couldn't be happier." The girl says grabbing my hand and basically dragging me out of the store. Before we could get out of the store good we burst out laughing.

"Oh my god. Thank you so much. I have a feeling that he would have followed me around the whole store if you hadn't showed up." I say to her.

"No problem. You looked like you needed saving. I'm Maliah by the way."

"I'm Justice. You didn't buy anything out of the store?"

"Nope. That store is way too expensive. I was trying to do something new for my cousin for Christmas but he is just going to get the usual, socks."

I laugh and Maliah helps me with my bags. "Damn girl, you bought something out of every store." The girl wasn't lying I had tons of bags and my dad had the rest.

"I wanted to get all of my Christmas shopping done in one day and this isn't even half. I got stuff I bought from L.A. at the house now and my dad has so more bags." I tell her.  "When were you in L.A?" She asks. "Like a day or two ago. I live there I'm just here for Christmas and New Year with my dad."

"I love Los Angeles I go out there every once in a while I have family there. We should hang out while you're here so give me your number and I'll text you if something fun comes up." We stop by a bench so we can exchange numbers and so I could put some of the smaller bags inside of the bigger bags.

"I have to go but I will text you for sure. See you later." Maliah says as she walks in the opposite direction. "Later."

I meet up with my dad at the spot we agreed on. "You did a lot of shopping I see." He says when I approach him. He takes some of my bags from me but I make sure he doesn't grabs the one with his presents in it. By the time my dad and I leave the mall the sun is starting to set. When we get to the house my dad orders a pizza and I get started on wrapping presents.

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