Chapter 4

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When I walk towards my car Kyree and Khrys are sitting in the car.  Khrys is sitting in the backseat with this look on her face. I hate when she has this look on her face cause it means she is about to start yelling bout some shit that I could care less about.

"What in the hell took you so long!?" She starts yelling before I can even get in my seat good. Like damn.

"I was-

"I don't care what you was doing!" She cut me off before I can even get my words out. "You had me waiting in this hot ass car with no key!"

"Maybe  the car would cool down if you closed your mouth." I start the car and turn on the air so that Khrys can stop complaining.  "And you really think I'm  about to leave my keys in the car with Kyree after what happened last time?"

"Man I told you that was an accident." Kyree says with an attitude.

"Man whatever it still happened though."

"Whatever so what's up with you and that Justice girl?"

"What you mean?" "Ain't nothing up." I say.

"Okay well you need to hurry up and tap that or get cool with her or some so she can put me on her fine ass best friend." Kyree says as he licks his lips and rubs his hands together.

I look at him and then back at the road. "I don't know if I'm going to fuck her just yet, I gotta see how she is first."

"Come on man you fucking up my sex life." "Just spit some game her way and let her know I'm interested in her friend and it will only go uphill from there." Kyree sits backs like he is satisfied with his plan.

"I'll see what I can do."

Man I don't know about using Justice just so my brother can fuck her best friend. I have done some low shit but I think this would have to be the lowest. Wait a minute I think I did some shit lower than that. I'm not gone lie my past ain't the best but, aye I'm a changed man. But truth be told I think girls ain't shit. They just as low down and dirty as some of us niggas. They will break your heart, go fuck yo' brother, and give yo' best friend aids and not bat an eyelash. I know how the game go. I was on the other end of the game once but that won't never happen to me again. So if bitches wanna run game I'm gone run it with them. I'm young and I just wanna have fun.

I get home and walk through the door. "Mm.. something smells good." Kyree and Khrys walk in after me. My mom is in the kitchen throwing down. I hug her from behind, I'm a whole foot taller than her. She turns around and hugs me."Hey momma's baby."

"What's good ma?" I say as I reach over her to get a piece of chicken. She hits my hand and makes me drop my piece of chicken. " Don't do that boy!" "Go wash yo' nasty hands and take them clothes off , dinner will be ready in a minute."

I walk up the stairs and get ready for dinner.


It's the next day at school and I'm fresh as hell. Actually I'm always fresh. Niggas just believe in being fresh on the first two weeks of school but I'm fresh everyday. You will never catch me in the same outfit twice or the same pair of shoes in the same week.

I pull into the student parking lot blasting my radio. The faculty don't like it when I do that shit, they even went to the principal on me. They some fucking snitches, fuck all them I do what I want. Me and my siblings get out of the car. People stare at us as we get out of the car. They wish they was us. Well the wish they was me anyway, I don't know about Khrys and Kyree. Khrys kinda shy, she don't like when attention is on her. That's why she was tripping in the lunchroom yesterday.

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