Chapter 12 :Complicated dreams

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It had been two months now, since Ayama and Aoi started officially dating.
It had become natural to the other members as well and of course Uruha couldnt have been more happy after hearing the news.

The entire gang was sitting in Ruki's house. The hotel wasnt needed anymore, Ayame was still staying there though.
Ayame sipped her coffee while Reita set the ashtray on the table and everyone except Kai lit a cigarette. Leaning back Ayame started humming a melody of a song she had been trying to write. ''What's that?'' Kai's voice was the only real sound besides the sound of people smoking and my humming. ''Well...I forget to tell you guys something.'' She sat up while talking and looked around the room and her eyes landed on Aoi. She had been putting off making this announcement because of him. She began to feel nervous as everyones curiousity began to fill the air. ''I've been asked to write an album, then a record label will sign me and if I finish all that up in one or two months theyll be able to directly send me on tour...''
Everyone seemed happy, they congratulated me but the tension returned when the one person who couldnt seem happy for her spoke up. ''So without saying anything you'll just be leaving for half a year?'' Those worlds left her speechless while he got up and without saying another thing left the room. This was why she was afraid to tell him. Of course Ayame directly got up to try and chase him, but it seemed like he had already vanished into thin air. Now all that was left was her standing here with a painful feeling in her chest. She stood there and stared at the front door until she felt a hand on her shoulder. ''Just give him some time. You can understand why this comes as a shock to him, especially since it's moving this fast and he had no idea.''
Uruha always knew what to say, and the soothing tone in his voice helped her surpress the tears that were trying to form in her eyes. She let out a long and draggy sigh and let herself sink to the floor lighting another cigarette to keep her feelings in check. This new addiction was something she had grown to love in this small period of time. Then she decided it was time to say goodnight to the guys and lay down on the spare bed Ruki had arranged for her.
But she couldn't sleep. She tried everything but failed. She felt the strong urgh to go out even if it was unsafe. It was 2 AM after all and she didn't have the keys. As quiet as possible she made her way downstairs to not wake anyone up, only to find Kai sitting downstairs as well. Worry was plastered all over his face. Now she realized she hadn't heard Aoi return yet. "You can't sleep either?" Ayame's voice seemed to have awakened him from his trance like stares after which he just let out a sigh shaking his head. "Well.. I'm going for a walk. I'd invite you, but I really need to be alone with my thoughts right now.." Kai nodded in understanding "call me if anything happens okay? Don't go to far and don't worry I'll be awake whenever you come back to let you in." His caring smile made her feel a slight bit better, but she still couldn't bear to stay here right now. So she put on her coat and walked out the door into the pleasantly chill and silent night. She lit a cigarette and just started quietly talking to herself.
"I guess I can't blame him, after all I'll be gone for awhile." A sigh escaped her lips but out of nowhere anger started to grow in her. What right did he have to be mad. He was a famous rockstar. They had a small break now but after 4 months they'd start touring again for at least a year and a half straight. And she had to hear that from Ruki for god sake. Furiously she started walking faster. "That hypocrite..." And to top it off when she looked up in front of her, her new object of anger was there. A few meters in front of her. Laughing and hanging with another girl. Before she could even process all that was now going on inside her heart she walked right up to the man that once had made her smile so much and slapped him right in his cheek. Without saying a word she walked away again. Faster and faster. As fast as her feet could carry her. But when out of a slight curiosity she looked back to see if he's follow her, he didn't. He remained seated there with a girl who she now only noticed just how little clothing she had on.
She sank to the ground and her only reaction was grabbing her phone and calling kai...

Kai's POV

It was now an hour after Ayame had left but he still wasn't even tired. Then his phone rang. He answered it as quick as he could, knowing fully well only one person could be calling him right now.
But all he could hear on the other side of the phone was violent sobbing and small words in between.
"Keato p...park. He...he didn't...*sob* w..why would he...or I..."
I quickly instructed her to stay right there and rushed to the car. To my own surprise Uruha was following me. But without questioning it we drove off to get her. But when we found her he could only feel his heart break over the pathetic sight before him.

Uruha's POV

They arrived at the park but all they could see was their now broken friend right there on the ground. Sobbing uncontrollably spouting random words to herself about what both he and kai now expected was about something their band member had done to her. While kai patted her back to calm her down Uruha was picking her up and helping her to the car. He had really grown to care about this girl. Like she was his little sister and he couldn't help but feel anger towards his friend.
They drove her home and comforted her until she fell asleep in her own bed.

- the next morning-
Ayame's POV.

The daylight was waking her up. The curtains in her room weren't fully closed but maybe that was good. Because once she sat up and realized what had happened that night she couldn't slept the rest of her life. Didn't he care? Who was that girl? With a sigh she lifted her heavy feeling body off of her bed to get dressed. Despite her headache she moved to the bathroom to put on her make up and found herself staring in the mirror whispering to herself.
"What am I even doing here...if this is how he really feel then what reason do I have to still ask to stay here while writing the album..." And like that she had decided it was time. Time to follow her dream.

It was the next day, the record label had arranged an urgency flight so she was now waiting at the airport. With five people with her. Miyavi, who had been busy with a new album insisted on the day off so he could see her off. And besides him there were Ruki, Reita, Kai and Uruha. But no Aoi. She had informed the guys yesterday morning that she would go for it and even though especially Uruha and Kai tried insisting Ayame had to try to talk it out with Aoi. But they accepted her decision. She gave everyone a last hug as a female voice called out her flight.

This was it.
Her new dream.

She got on the plane and the second its wheel left the ground she fell fast asleep. Determent to leave this now already out dated life with that man behind...

So guys here it is. The open ending to make way for a sequel. Let me know what you think!
I have no clue what the exact story for the sequel will be or how long it'll be but I do hope you guys like it!
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Stay lovely!

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