chapter 11: i wanted to know if you'd like to go on a date with me!

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It was the next day, no one knew just what time Aoi came home or what happened or why he had been away that long. Even Uruha was surprised it took his friend so long to head back home but they all tried shrugging it off. Ayame had noticed something different about him though... even more then the second he walked out the door the day before.  She decided it was time, Uruha and Aoi where in the same room as herself and she started getting nervous. They both noticed but only Uruha understood why. ‘’eh i have some stuff i need to take care of’’ he got up and gave Ayame a reassuring nod that this was the best thing to do and left the room. An awkward silence filled the room, there was this tension and she knew she had to break it or she would’ve lost her chance.

‘’soooo...i was wondering if i could like....ask you something...?’’ she had been staring at the floor the moment Uruha had left and now she lifted her head to look up at the guy she was about to ask out... or try to ask out at least. ‘’ of course’’ he answered, he seemed kinda...distant... like he wasn’t really here with his head which didn’t make stuff easier for Ayame but that didn’t stop her, she performed in front of a ground so she could sure as hell ask Aoi out on a date. So she started.

‘’ euhm Aoi? I was kind of wondering...if you would like to....well if you’d mind.... i mean...’’

she stuttered a bit which for some reason annoyed him since he replied quite bitter. ‘’just ask the question already sheese’’

she felt her heart sink at that, that actually sincerely hurt but she wasn’t going to give up. Not now.

‘’ i wanted to know if you’d like to go out on a date with me!’’ she felt a wave of relief wash over her after she blurted it out. Aoi defiantly was surprised, it was visable. His jaw had dropped and his face had gotten slightly red. He actually was shocked. So it took a few seconds for him to process this in his brain. Was she for real? The girl he had started falling for, asking him out? But what about Sith?! Without realizing the time he was taking his thoughts ran wild. Ayame didn’t know though... she thought he just didn’t know how to reject her, her eyes filled with tears and she just shook her head mumbling something about Uruha being wrong. Though luckily for both of them Aoi got up the second her foot moved to the door, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug with one of the biggest smiles possible on his face. ‘’Ayame, i would honestly love nothing more than to go out on a date with you’’ she hugged him back tightly with a smile even wider and brighter than his.

right after that Uruha came walking in with a grin of victory, he patted both of them on their shoulders and whispered to Ayame ‘’ i told you so...’’ and so the after noon began.

~ the date~

it was two days after Ayame asked Aoi out, the days had felt like years to them but the day was finally here.

the day of the date.

Aoi had planned everything out, he may not have been the one doing the asking out but he wanted to make sure he was the perfect gentleman for her tonight.

he had picked out a wonderful cute little restaurant in the calm part the towns centre. He had hired a small local band, giving them an opportunity and giving the evening a bit more Rock like class.

he had picked her up with a romantic horse carriage, you could say that its a bit over the top but he really wanted EVERYTHING to be perfect, he had planned on winning her heart with this night.

and perfect it was, they had a wonderful diner. They had so much fun, talking about music, themselves, their dreams, good parts of their pasts.

and after diner, he brought her to a beautiful place where they had a view over the towns lake with beautiful trees surrounding the place.

after the evening he brought Ayame back to their bands place. He made it look like he was walking her home even if they lived in the same hotel there.  This made her laugh a bit but once they got to the door of her room he smiled at her. ‘’since im keeping this date...classic. there is something else i must do before you can go...’’. her face turned red, she knew what he was talking about but he didn’t know he would actually do that, i mean they had fun but did he really like her?

slowly he placed his hand on her cheek and closed his eyes while moving in for the perfect kiss. Closing her eyes as well she leaned into him closing the gap between them

and they kissed.

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