chapter 10: life and its nasty tricks...

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She didn’t win the contest that night, Sith had been able to put much more drama in his performance but nothing came from the bet he suggested, he did get her number but they hadn’t talked after that night up till now.

 Now a week after the performance things had been weirdish. Aoi had somehow gotten clingy as hell and the guys kept insisting on giving him and Ayame  ‘some time alone’. It was getting quite suspicious but don’t think she minded. She actually liked spending time with him after he started opening up more. Her laughter filled the room again though after he was being silly. He loved seeing her smile and hearing her laugh, he really had grown to love her company and those small things about her that made her so special and unique. She pounced his chest gently while catching her breath, still giggling slightly. ‘’I swear Aoi, you are nuts!’’ and with a grin he nodded as reply. He poked her nose and just watched her calm down, with a smile he got up to grab something to drink for them. She smiled to herself until her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number so she was doubtful about answering. ‘’ moshii moshii?’’ (the way Japanese answer the phone)

the other end of the line stayed silent for a small bit before answering

‘’ Ayame? Right?’’

‘’yup that’s me, who is this?’’

‘’It’s Sith! Ya know from the contest..?’’

‘’Sith, omfg of course I remember pfft you didn’t have to explain silly’’

she laid down on the bed tapping her feet on the sheets while giggling again slightly, she had gone from the silent type to that bubbly happy looking girl thanks to the boys of The GazettE and she loved it.

Sith:‘’well I’m recording an album soon and I was wondering if you wanted to work with me on a duet maybe..?i haven’t written the song yet and all but maybe you could help with that?’’

Ayame: ‘’of course! Sounds like fun, what did you had in mind though?’’

S: ‘’well I’m not entirely sure, I was thinking maybe something like a soft rock love duet..?’’

Aoi entered the room again with two cups of coffee and sat down on the end of the bed waiting for her to finish the conversation but also kinda curious as to who it was as he sat down her cup on the nightstand.

A: ‘’well that could work, yeah sounds good I’m in!’’

S: ‘’great! Though maybe it would be easier to discuss something like this over… lunch?’’

A: ‘’ euhm sure, but when and where I mean didn’t you live like an hour away from the festival? And I kinda live close to there so…’’

S: ‘’that wont be a problem really, ill just drive there. how about tomorrow afternoon at euhm…that new sushi place I saw last week?’’

A: ‘’euhm sure I haven’t actually had a Japanese meal for ages hah, but I gotta go so seeya then Sith!’’

S: ‘’seeya then beautiful’’

the conversation ended and something in Aoi flared up when he heard who she was talking to and that they were having diner or lunch together…he couldn’t really hear Sith’s side of the conversation clearly but he was damned sure he said something like ‘seeya then beautiful’. That was it he couldn’t deny it anymore, he honestly was jealous as fuck and wanted to keep that creep as far away from her as possible. Ayame put down the phone and grabbed the coffee,sipping it then sighing in relief and smiling at him. Her smile fell though when she saw this change in the guy she was hanging out with so she sat up and poked his cheek ‘’sup grump face?’’ she had given him that nickname earlier this week, she promised him she’d call him that everytime he got down,grumpy or anything like that. Though her cheerfulness didn’t work on him this time he just shrugged and got up picking up his cigs and coat and walked out of the house to go for a walk leaving a clueless Ayame behind.

had she done something wrong? Did something happen when he got their drinks…?

sighing she got up and went to look for any sign of the other bandmembers, fortunately for her she found only one but the one who knew Aoi best of them all. Uruha. She entered Uruha’s room and he looked up at her and gave her a small smile until he noticed how her face was formed into a frown.

she sat next to him at his desk on the extra chair that was standing there and without waiting to be asked what was wrong she started talking. ‘’do you think I annoy him?’’

she didn’t have to tell her friend who she was talking about, quite frankly she had noticed her feelings for him and tried to keep quiet but ended up telling two of the guys anyways, Uruha and Reita.

‘’huh? Where did that came from’’ he put down his ink pen and turned to her with a more serious look. ‘’well idk, we were just messing around, then he went to get coffee, I got a call and when he got back and I finished my call he got this downish look on his face and when I asked him what was wrong he just got up grabbing his cigs and leaving…I don’t get what I did wrong..’’

a look of sympathy came over Uruhas face before he petted her back ‘’ he gets like that Ayame, don’t mind it. Hes going for a walk to think then he’ll be back either fixed or able to talk about it. What was the call about though?’’

letting out a sigh she nodded before answering ‘’well Sith, that guy I had to do the duet with last week? He called, he said he was working on recording an album and wanted to do a duet with me for that’’

Uruha chuckled slightly nodding, now understanding what was bothering his best friend, he smiled a bit. ‘’yeah really don’t worry about it, he’ll come around.’’ She nodded and sighed rolling her eyes slightly. ‘’ this is getting really frustrating though’’ Uruha once again nodded and  that made him  turn his full attention to her. ‘’well of course it is, feelings always are frustrating Ayame, though can I give you one tip?’’ groaning she nodded ‘’tell him’’ the shock in Ayames face couldn’t be described and after that look she started laughing like crazy. She then abruptly stopped realizing he wasn’t kidding and she started shaking her head. ‘’ no way in hell im telling him how I feel, I finally have him as my friend. No fucking way in hell im telling him and fucking the friendship up now…’’

‘’you do realise theres a big chance he feels the same?’’ at this point Uruha hated that he promised his best friend not to tell anyone about his feelings for Ayame ‘cause he could be the one fixing them up… ‘’look, just try. Ask him out, have some fun. He wont be the guy to be a total dick about something like this okay?’’

with an uncertain and insecure nod she agreed to this. She couldn’t believe she did though, her asking a guy out? No to make it even worse, her asking fucking Aoi, a jrock star, out? Oh god…

little did she know though, that the odds weren’t in her favor. Life had another nasty trick up its sleeve which would keep Aoi a bit too busy to be messing around with Ayame…

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