chapter 5: The dream and The past. a deadly combo.

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The day was finally here, the performance. Ayame was nervous as hell and was walking in circles. It was precisely 9 hours before the performance and she hadn’t slept at all. Ruki and Reita had went out together with Uruha to go find her a few outfits fitting to the songs she was going to do while Aoi, Kai and Miyavi where with Ayame trying to calm her and making her tea for her voice. She was panicking since her voice had been a bit off for the entire yesterday and she woke up with her voice not completely back to normal. Out of nowhere Aoi got an idea on how to calm her down, he grabbed his guitar and started playing the same song he had done before. Kai and Miyavi just looked at him confused and their faces became more confused when they saw Ayame sit down and relax slightly.  To his own surprise he ended up singing a bit with the music from his guitar and she looked at him surprised on how good it actually sounded then she laid down and sighed in relaxation and closed her eyes and fell asleep. Aoi smiled slightly at the sleeping girl then stopped and tucked her in making Miyavi chuckle under his breath at this little scene and finally Kai caught up with his friends thoughts and giggled a bit making Aoi look at the both of them confused. ‘’what are you to snickering about?’’ ‘’oh come on, it’s obvious. We aren’t blind ya know Aoi.’’ Miyavi replied while smiling then Kai completed it ‘’we do have to admit she’s cute and sweet, you have a good taste my friend’’.  Aoi looked even more confused then caught up as well and blushed very slightly and gave them both a glare ‘’I am NOT in love with Ayame! ‘’. Neither of the guys knew that Ayame actually woke up a few seconds ago and heard Aois slight growl to the others with those words. Somewhere deep in her heart it started hurting, she didn’t know why. It’s not like it was the same as back then right? Yet it was the same pain…

Ruki ruined the moment and busted through the door with some shopping bags while smiling ‘’AYAME WE GOT YOU THE PERFECT STUFF!’’. He was completely excited on what she would think since in his opinion he was the most stylish and he wanted to use every moment to prove it to the rest. Ayame pretended to wake up and faked a smile. ‘’hi Ruki. Well let’s see what you got then hm’’. Aoi didn’t know what it was but he just saw in her smile that something was wrong but he was scared to ask seeming how the two other guys did kind of find out his little secret. Ruki ran up to her and sat on the bed and started getting everything out of the bags and putting them together as outfits, laying them out on the bed while she got out of it. She picked some of them and put together the last parts of her performance, then everyone got into the tour bus of The GazettE and drove to the festival.

When they got there she was pulled away from the guys and taken back stage, since she told them the guys where with her some of the people that worked there looked at her in envy but they were allowed to come with her.  She directly went to her room back stage.

Aoi had noticed that ever since she had woken up something had been different about her but before he could get a quiet place to think he almost got jumped on by a girl, well woman.  Ayame turned around to see Aoi smiling at the girl that had her body pretty much wrapped around the guy. She felt another shot of pain in her heart and looked at the ground thinking to herself. ‘’this can’t be…I can’t be ‘in love’..’’ she shrugged and turned away now pretty much pissed at herself making Aoi look at her a bit worried but got pulled away by the girl that had tackled him into a hug though his heart felt a sting…a well-known one though he didn’t understand why…

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