chapter 7: a duet to never forget

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Back stage Aoi was breathing a bit heavy from what had just happened then turned around already hearing Ayame singing. He cursed a bit under his breath but before he could get to the entrance of the stadium to join the crowd a familiar voice came up from behind him ‘’it’s been a while hasn’t in. Shiroyama Yuu..’’.

He stopped and swallowed. He could never forget that voice... never in his entire life. He slowly turned his head around to face the woman behind him. She was grinning. Her long blond hair reached to her lower back. She let it grow? Like …he said that would look good on her.

But this couldn’t be, not all over again. His life was finally going back to normal and this lady had the talent to fuck everything up if she didn’t get what she wanted. This lady? Was his ex. In the distance he could still hear Ayame sing and he wanted to just keep walking and pretend he hadn’t noticed her but she knew he had heard her. He let out a long draggy sigh but didn’t turn around, you could hear the irritation in his voice when he spoke up ‘’honestly, what do you still want of me? Because if it’s getting back together you can forget it’’. She hissed at the last part of the sentence and moved closer to him ‘’has my yuu-sama found a new girl then?’’. His eyes glanced over to the figure on the stage then he looked to the ground ‘’no I just don’t want to relive that hell all over again’’. He saw a grin appear on her face as she looked over at Ayame in the distance. How dare she look at her like that?! Great job Aoi, you had just involved Ayame in all of this by a single look, you dipshit. He pushed her away from himself and shrugged ‘’touch her and you’ll regret it’’.  ‘’oh so it is her? Oh how cute he found a young little lamb, you’ll find out soon enough that she’s going to bore you and you’ll come crawling back with your tail between your legs, doggy’’. He snickered a bit and whispered in her ear with a grin ‘’I recall you where the one wanting to wear a collar now if you excuse me I need to see my friends’ performance ‘’. She hissed more then walked away, he could finally make his way through the ground to see Ayame... he had to admit she was beautiful and her voice sounded like that of an angel…

Ayame finally noticed Aoi in the ground and her smile grew even wider while singing. It was something about this guy, she couldn’t put her finger on it but it was something about him but when she took a better look at his face she noticed he was looking irritated and mad and worried at the same time. Had anything happened? Anyways she had to focus on singing! She finished the last song but knew the audience wanted more, she knew Aoi knew the guitar for the unfinished song they were writing but didn’t finish in time and she had an idea. The crowd started yelling ‘we want more’ and she grinned as she spoke into the microphone ‘’I have an idea. This is going to be really special, this is a song me and a friend of mine were writing for shits and giggles but honestly I didn’t have enough time to prepare more for you guys then I just did. So hereby I would ask my lovely friend yuu to join me on the stage, some back stage people please bring him his guitar I know it’s around there somewhere knowing him and let’s get this started…’’

he looked up kinda bewildered and Ruki nudged him, the crowd made a path for him as he chuckled a bit awkward and walked to the stage then climbed on and whispered in her ear ‘’you planned this from the start didn’t you?”  ‘’nope but when I saw that over worried stressed face of yours I figured you’d need something to take your mind off of everything and what is a better way then music?’’

he nodded at that and pulled her into a tight hug and nuzzles his face against her for a few seconds making the audience go all ‘awnnnnnn’ on them, Aoi got his acoustic guitar handed to him and he started playing. The people became silent again as the beautiful tones of his guitar made way to their ears. Just like he had done to her when she first heard this, he captured them with his guitar. She always forgot she had to sing but she came back to reality fast enough and her voice joined the guitar into a beautiful harmony.

You never told me

you could do this to someone...

is this a game? Am I the same to you as the others…

don’t leave me behind now. Even if it’s all fake

you made me want, you made me need that beautiful lie...

but maybe it’s just me,

who needs to get a hold or herself and say goodbye...

but maybe it’s just me,

who needs to find a new love that will treat her right...

Uruha slipped in from behind Aoi with a guitar in his hand and Kai sat down on the still set up drums while Ruki and Reita both grabbed a guitar and bass and started playing in the calm theme and ritme of the song, leaving only Aoi without a job here. He turned to Uruha and whispered to him ‘’what am I suppose to do now dude?! You guys stole everything’’ Uruha just chuckled and whispered back ‘’do what your gut tells you to do bro, make a show out of this, wow the crowd oh and don’t forget to wow her.’’

She kept singing, she noticed the change in music but hadn’t noticed Aoi was left jobless behind her until he took her hand in his to continue the rest of the song. Though this part is where she hadn’t gotten with writing lyrics so it was just all made up and what came to mind.

But who have we got there,

it’s a new one, a strong one a better one.

Now I’ll smile without thinking of you.

Now ill kiss without dying inside.

Now I can love without doubt or distrust...

they danced a bit with each other in the small instrumental following those lines then she let go of him, motioning for him to go stand on the other side of the stage

but you’re so far away, but yet until this day

even the rain couldn’t keep my away..

Oh my Romeo would you rescue me...

oh my Romeo...please come save me from the darkness…

the song ended with her on her knees, she was quite a good actress Aoi had gotten the idea and stood there reaching out for her from a distance then the lights turned off after the music ended and the crowd went completely wild. They loved it, it was perfect.

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