chapter 8: and the winner is....?

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Ayame was just sitting backstage, that had been her last song and before she had to go on she actually got a note saying that not only it was just a performance, no. apparently it was a contest.

The guys of the band got crowded with a shitload of fans so for the time being she was sitting there all alone which normally she would’ve loved, but now? She learned to hate it. someone sat down next to her though, it was one of the vocalists that had performed tonight as well. He was cute. Very cute actually.  Her mind had run off while looking at his face, so the guy made an awkward cough to snap her out of her thoughts and she just laughed ‘’oh i…im so sorry just, so many nerves and everything and its not like I have much to do and my friends are pretty busy for right now so yeah…’’ she glanced down to the ground and he just chuckled as his head appeared in her sight ‘’im Sith, nice to meet you’’ she took his hand and shook it looking back up at his face and smiling ‘’im Ayame, nice to meet you too…but Sith isn’t Japanese now is it?’’. he shook his head and continued the conversation with neither of them noticing the band was walking this way ‘’nah im half Japanese, but I was born in America so they didn’t bother giving me a Japanese name, and of course I know who you are, everyone knows who you are now. That performance was purely amazing! We should do a duet sometimes! That would be so amazing…’’ Ayame blushed a bit and nervously shuffeled her feet around ‘’it wasn’t that good it was okay…’’ both Sith and Ayame jumped up when Ruki’s voice pierced the room ‘’Ayame, that was pure art, you did friggin amazing! It was genius now stop putting yourself down’’ Ayame saw how Sith’s gaze glided over the five men who walked in and sat next to her. ‘’you are friends with The Gazette…?’’ ‘’yup, actually they all helped me put this all together, Aoi mostly though’’ she gave aoi a smile but he seemed to be distracted by his own thoughts. ‘’oh that explains why its so great, I mean anything they work on turns into gold.’’ That snapped Aoi out of his thoughts and he saw the small lights in ayames eyes become more dull ‘’eh shut it dude, she did most of the work, we just did everything she asked. She was the brains behind her own performance and don’t you dare say we are the success of it cause if anyone deserves the full credit of how amazing it was its Ayame.’’ She just blushed more and hit Aoi’s chest eventhough Reita was inbetween and he just gave her a serious look then a grin. The others just laughed a bit and all Sith could do was nod, though he got up and grabbed Ayames hand and pulled her up while grinning and kissing her hand ‘’we should go out sometime you know? Just you and me..?’’ Ayame smiled at him politely not really sure how to handle these kinda situations and gently removed her hand from his ‘’maybe, maybe not. We shall see shall we not?’’

it was a few minutes later, Sith hadn’t really replied to what Ayame had said and had left right after. Though Aoi seemed a bit on edge after what happened which only Ayame and Reita seemed to notice.  She just shrugged it off, in the past few days she had seen that at times it was normal for Aoi to just…be different all of the sudden and she also learned that after letting it be it would fade. ‘’will every performer come to the stage please, the winner is soon to be announced, and yes you ARE allowed to bring a maximum of two supporters with you.’’ She looked to the five guys and got a frown ‘’whos coming with me? I can’t take you all…’’ Ruki chuckles ‘’Aoi, he helped you and everyone will be happy to see him after that grant finally, and Reita cause you two could be friggin twins the way you act!’’ she saw how he wanted to come and so did the other two but that wasn’t possible. Everyone nodded and Aoi and Reita got up, together pulling Ayame on her feet and walked to the entrance of the stage. Ayame was nervous as hell of course so she was slightly shaking, scared to go up there leaving Aoi no choice but to gently slap the back of her head in a friendly way to snap her out of it. She gave him a small smile, which earned a small blush from him. Wow she’d never seen such a cute blush before, nor had she seen Aoi sincerely blush…

the moment got interrupted by the group of three being dragged onto the stage and the announcers voice filling the stadium to announce just who had won… ''after a good talk with the rest of the professionals here...we are proud to present the winner'' he shuffled around a bit then started again ''and the winner is....''

I answered with 'I Love You' (Aoi - The Gazette)Where stories live. Discover now