Part six

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Dan P.O.V. 

I woke up to some shuffling and something warm sliding from my waist. 

"Phil?" I mumbled, squinting through the light. 

"Shh, go back to sleep Dan, it's early." 

"What are you doing?" 

"I need to get that train to see my parents, remember?" 

"Oh god, wasn't I supposed to walk you to the station?" 

"No," he chuckled and crouched down by my side of the bed, brushing my hair out of my eyes. "I'll be back in a few days." 

"Ugh, that's too long." 

"The more you sleep the quicker I'll be back," he kissed me and then turned to the drawers, picking out an outfit to wear and began to get dressed. "Will you be okay on your own?" 

"Yeah," I replied groggily, wondering how some people could be so chirpy so early in the morning. 

"Can I ask you to do one thing for me?" 

"What is it?" 

"Can you just order takeaways for dinner so I won't need to worry about you burning the place down?" 

"I'm not that bad..." 

"Dan, baby, you almost set fire to that pan that one time." 

"Yeah yeah yeah," I said, waving my hand dismissively. 

"Remember to-" 

"I know, I know, you're beginning to sound like my mother, go see your own," I moaned. 

"And you'll be fine on your own?" 

"Yes," I slowly got out of bed and when I did, stumbled over to Phil and hugged him tightly. "I love you." 

"I love you too, go back to bed Dan." 

"If you insist," I collapsed back into it and curled up, pulling the duvet up to my chin. We said what was left of our goodbyes and I fell back asleep in a dreamless sleep after I heard the front door close, feeling a little lost now Phil was gone. 

* * *

By the time it was 2 in the afternoon, I was up, showered, dressed, fed and had received a text from Phil telling me he had reached Manchester. Feeling the need for some company, I tapped on PJ's contact on my phone to see if he was free, reminding myself that I needed to put in the effort of seeing him more often. 

Are you doing anything today? I texted him and he got back to me so fast I didn't have the time to put my phone back down. 

Nope, why? 

I'm bored on my own :( come over? 

I'll be there soon! 

I grinned and waited, watching the clock on the wall, and after watching the seconds hand circle it 13 times, there was a knock on the door and I jumped up, fixing my hair as I made my way to the door to answer it. 

PJ looked nervous when I opened it - he was pulling the sleeves of his tight button-up shirt over his hands and shifting his weight from one foot to another. 

"Peej, where's the jumper look?" I asked him, acting as if though I was disappointed. 

"In the wash. Change is weird, I don't think I like it," I stepped aside so he could come in and closed it behind us.


"Is that even a question? You should know the drill by now!" 

"I'm out of practice,” I laughed, feeling better now that I had someone to talk to. "Where's Chris?" I asked once I had switched on the kettle and set up the mugs. 

"He's got an acting job for the day, where's Phil?" 

"He’s back in Manchester for a few days to see family." 

"Oh right," I heard him settle down in the lounge and I brought out our drinks, sitting cross-legged at the other end of the sofa. 

"We've got a lot to catch up on, you start," I told him and I hung onto his every word as he launched into an explanation of his past jam-packed few months and every now and then I would add the odd sarcastic comment or joke that would make him laugh and I'd smile, because right now there was nothing better than the sound of his laughter.  

The only time I wouldn't listen was when we shared eye contact and I'd get lost in those eyes all over again, my heart jumping at the contact and then I'd flush and stutter, and play with my hair nervously. 

There was a moment where he took hold of my arm so he could demonstrate what happened to him in a restaurant by a fan and the touch was electric, sending shocks through my body. I felt like I was a schoolgirl who was with her crush and not a 21 year old male who should definitely not be feeling like this towards a friend that I had already had a thing with before. 

* * *

"Hey, I had a really good time. We'll catch up again soon, yeah?" PJ asked as I showed him out. 

"Sure," I replied, smiling in response and making sure I was breathing in through my mouth so his scent wouldn't intoxicate me again. He turned and faced me suddenly, hugging me tightly for a moment and I saw him smirking when he let go. 

"See you around." 

"Y-yeah," I managed to get out as I watched him in awe walking down the corridor. 

I closed the door and sat down, my head was spinning and I placed in it my hands.

I couldn't really be falling for PJ Liguori again, could I? 

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