Part nineteen

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Phil P.O.V.


I raised an eyebrow, scrolling down my YouTube homepage for something to entertain me while my video uploaded.


His voice was louder this time as I had heard the click of my door opening and I held back a smirk as best as I could, watching video icons race up the screen.

I felt Dan sit on the end of the bed, watching me, and out of the corner of my eye I could see his lips were pulled in a thin line.

He sighed. "Phil."

"What?" I mumbled, keeping my eyes on the screen.

"Can you just look at me, even for a second?"

"What's behind your back?" I question when I did as he asked.

"It's our movie night, remember?" He said, bringing out a handful of DVDs in front of him.

"Oh, right. We can watch something later," I dropped my gaze back down onto my screen, clicking every couple of seconds to make it seem I was doing something important. I absolutely hated being annoyed with him and usually jumped at the chance of when he tried to make things up to me, but he had changed recently where it seemed that he enjoyed winding me up.

"Phil," He sighed again. "Look, I'm sorry for being a twat all the time recently, okay? I know we already said we'd start again but this time I really will try. Are you even listening to me?!"

He got off the bed and I half expected to hear my door - or any door - slam afterwards, but instead my laptop was taken out of my hands and Dan closed the screen and put it on the floor before straddling my lap and putting one palm against mine and slid his fingers in between my own to interlock them while the other hand lifted my chin.

"Phil," he repeated.

If Dan was good at anything, it was getting my attention to the point where I felt hypnotized. Tonight wasn't any different.

"Close your eyes," he said and I obeyed, feeling myself blush when I could sense him leaning in and blushed deeper when he pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

He pulled away, the corners of his mouth tipping upwards. He was so achingly beautiful and his smugness was like proof that he knew it, but I grit my teeth and tried to keep a straight face when all I really wanted to do was pull him back in, but I fought back the urge, not wanting him to win this.

This is why I hated being annoyed at him, because he always found a way to make me crave him more and more and he knew exactly what worked and what didn't. He was smirking again and I could tell he could see right through my poker face.

"So..." he began, taking a moment to look down at our linked hands and watch as he lifted them up and brought them closer to me so I could see them, his tanned skin quite the contrast to my own pale complexion. “Remember the third, I think it was, the third time we met? We were at your house and positioned just like this, except it was the other way round..." He trailed off and I felt a sense of Déjà vu, because I was picturing exactly what he was.

"You were so nervous," I said, remembering how he chewed on his lip every so often and tugged at his shirt. For the first couple of months he was anxious around me. He'd trip over his words and blush and stutter and fix his hair a lot but eventually he eased, and it was like he had always been a part of my life.

"Hey, you weren't much better," he bopped my nose but he was smiling. "I just didn't want to mess things up or say anything stupid, that's all..." he mumbled, seemingly more interested in our hands until he spoke again. "You were more confident than me though, but maybe that was just because we were at your house." 

"Maybe," I shrugged, letting my guard down and running my free hand through his hair, the silky strands feeling good between my fingers.

"But do you remember when I first got there that day and I was leaning against the wall then you got up and left to get us drinks?" He continued and I nodded. He wasn't making eye contact anymore I noticed, his gaze still looking at our hands while his thumb ran circles on mine. "I wasn't very responsive, you could barely get a word out of me, I'm sorry for that." 

"You had received some bad news and were upset, that was understandable," I murmured, letting go of his hair and placing my hand on his hip, wedging him closer to me an inch. 

"But still," he shrugged. 

"Then I came back in the room and you were lost in thought, I knew I had save you- well, stop you from that, anyway. I never liked leaving you alone with your thoughts for too long." 

"I hadn't even noticed when you came back, but obviously I noticed when you sat in my lap," he smiled, his stare still staying away from my face. "Then you said it would all be okay, and you promised that, remember? Because you said that I believed you, because I had no one else to trust," he nibbled on his bottom lip but not in worry, but in thought instead and his eyes flickered up as they observed me. "Then you kissed me without any kind of warning," he laughed lightly and I felt myself blush. 

I didn't even know what I was doing myself that afternoon, I didn't have a right to lean in and cautiously place my lips on his while one of my hands were on the back of his neck, but I would've done anything to help fix the broken boy who felt helpless and unimportant most of the time. 

"Our first kiss," Dan grinned and laughed as the back of his forefinger ran across my cheeks that were painted with a deep red. I couldn't really form words so I just smiled sheepishly. "Are you still embarrassed? You don't need to be anymore, that was years ago." 


"I never told you this, but I think that's what saved me. I was sad and my head was just living in a dark cloud but you brought some light into my life when you came in it. You added colour and blew the clouds away and showed me I didn't have to be alone anymore. You saved me, Phil. You saved me from myself," he tilted his head to the side and leaned forward a little. I met him halfway, letting the lip contact linger maybe a little longer than what was necessary, but it was too sweet to rush. "I love you, and I'll never forget what you've done for me."

"I love you too," I managed to get out. My cheeks ached from smiling so much and I felt like a schoolgirl with her first crush. "I miss us," I sighed, going back to playing with his hair.

"That's why I'm here, I bet you thought I'd storm out again just then." 


"See, I miss us too," he pressed a kiss to my cheek after staring at me lovingly and started singing softly. "I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up." 

A/N: Lyric credit goes to Jason Mraz, song in side! 

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