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I left Dean and Sam downstairs talking with Bobby. I checked on Jax and Em before going to my joint room. I grabbed my phone and headphones. I open the window and climbed out and onto the roof. I sat down and turn my music up. Just looking out at the distance. Letting the music wash away my pain and worries. I pulled my legs up to my chest and laid my head on them.

I don't know gow long I was out there for. I lift my head when I felt someone sit next to me. I could tell it was Dean out the corner of my eye. He was sitting and staring off as well.

"How did you know I was out here?" He chuckled.

"Cause I'm a hunter. That's what I do. I track remember. Plus you left the window open." I smiled. We was silent a little bit longer.

"I get it." I scoffed at him. I know his story but I still don't want to believe him. "No I'm serious. I forced into hunting after what happen to my mom and then with my dad. Our sole purpose was revenge and once I killed him.." He went silent.

"This is going to be my life now ain't it?" I asked more to myself then to him. He didn't say nothing.

"I don't want this life for them Dean. I want them t go to regular school and have friends. Not travel in a car with a gassy dog. Not in different motels. I just want to find my mom and so things can go back to normal."

"What is normal Manda? Your eyes have been open. It's going to be hard to go back and readjust yourself in that world. I know how you feel about wanting different for them. Honestly I sometimes regret going to get Sammy that night to help me find our dad. Who knows he may finally have his law degree and married Jessica. That's the life I want for him. But me? I want this life. I don't think I can go normal. I don't even know what it's like to have stabilty." He spoke quietly. I looked over at him for the first time. He was staring out and looked so vulnerable right now. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder. We had a connection. In some weird way we were connected {jax__B ;) }. I still don't like him but I know that something changed in that moment. He coughed and started rubbing his legs like he was nervous. I sat up and he stood up and held his hand out for me. I took it as he snatched me up. I stared into his eyes.

"I don't know what stable is either." I whispered. It look like her was trying to smile but I let go of him and climbed back into the window. I crawled in the bed and lay down facing the wall. I brought the covers over me. I heard him climb in. He let out a sigh. I heard him take his boots off. There was more shuffling and then he climbed into the bed. He didn't touch me and I fought against to turn around to look at him. For some crazy reason I was scared. I eventually drifted off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning with the sound of people whispering and trying not to laugh. Then I heard a couple clicks. What is going on? I open my eyes to see my sisters, Sam and Bobby in the doorway laughing. Then I felt it. My head was not on a pillow. Oh no. It was on something hard. Oh no. Oh no no no no. I sat up real fast which knocked his arm off of me and startling him. He sat up with a confused look. I gave him a grossed out look. I scoffed and climbed over out the bed. They all started laughing loud now. I shooed them away and grabbed my bag to go changed.

After I changed into a pair of jeans and a cami I went downstairs to breakfast. There was sausage, bacon, eggs, and toast. I sat down and poured myself a glass of Orange juice. Emily was sitting by me. I reached over and stole a piece of her bacon. She shot me a dirty look.

"That was for laughing at me this morning."

"Come on. That was funny."

"It was traumatic." I drawn out. Dean scoffed.

"Like waking up with you on my chest was a delight?"

"Actually yes. Yes it was. I am a delight." I smirked.

"Yeah delight for demons." He said under his breath. I shot him a bird. Jacky popped my arm and shot me a look. I rolled my eyes. Last night we didn't come up with a good enough plan. So today we are going to read books and call whoever for information on this demon. But Jacky and Emily are going to sit down and do their school work. If course I was answered with a groan.

"I don't care. An education is a very important thing to have. So today y'all will be do I g school work or else no hunting for two weeks."

"Fine." They said and walked up to the room they staying in. I cleaned up the kitchen before grabbing my phone and headphones. I sat at Bobby's desk with a book. It was kinda like an encyclopedia of demons. I flipped through not finding anything. I shut the book and found another one. Doing this for a few books. This process was not getting me anywhere. I shut this book and stood to get me some water. But not before I heard Bobby talking to the boys.

"So what's up with the headphones?" Dean asked.

"She does that to escape. It's her focal point as well. Basically music is her life. Well what's left if it." Bobby spoke.

"Bobby you care for her don't you?" Sam asked.

"Well duh you idjuit. I care about all of y'all like family. Manda has been through so much that I hate to see her go through more. That's why I'm asking you what are planning with her." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What is he talking about? Who is he talking to?

"I'm not gonna hurt her if that what your thinking Bobby. I think she needs a friend. You know I can't do a relationship." Why did that hurt? I walked up the stairs and went to go lay down and curl up in a ball. I eventually fell asleep.

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