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All the black eyes were turned looking at me. Oh shit. I scanned the room to find Dean. He was laying low waiting to see what was about to happen. I reached down and ripped the bottom part of my dress off. I stood standing there in a dress that barely went past my butt. If Emily could see me now. I cracked my neck.

"Bring it bitches." They took off running towards me. I ran to them with a handful of spikes. I didn't know where Dean was. All I cared about was them being stabbed and they dropped. They were piling up on me. A hand grabbed me from the midst of them. I looked over to see him. I never been so happy to see Dean in my whole life. He handed me a huge knife. They came charging at us. We were cutting and stabbing. Things weren't looking up. I looked behind and seen a window. I looked around and saw a chair. I ran over and picked the chair up and threw it through the window.

"Dean!" I shouted. He ran to me and we jumped out of the window. We ran to the first thing g we saw which was and sports bike. It was nice looking. He jumped on and some poor idiot left the keys in. Talk about luck. I jumped on the back and held on. They were coming out of the windows. Running toward us. He took off driving. They were still coming. He drove down the long driveway to the gate, which was left open. He hit the throttle and we was gone. I held on tight. I took a chance to look behind me. The mansion was getting smaller and smaller in the distance. I buried my face in Dean's back. I hope this is over but I have a feeling it's not. That's it's only the beginning.

We drove on for miles to the nearest town. We pulled up to a gas station. He got off and stood for a moment. I shivered. He took off his jacket and handed it to me. He went inside to talk to the clerk. I looked around watching. One of them could pop up at any second and get us.

"Hey guess what?" I jumped when he came back.


"We're not far from South Dakota. We're in Wyoming." He smiled. My face lit up. We were so close to being home.

"But bad news. Is that the bike is almost out of gas. We won't make it all the way. I called Bobby and told him to meet us." I nod my head. He got back on the bike and we drove off. I was getting sleepy and this bike is hurting my legs
This dress doesn't help either. I lay my head on his back and try to close my eyes. I know I couldn't go to sleep or else I'll fall off. That's not a risk I'm willing to take. I'm so ready to go home to my family, I miss them, my dog and my car. I even miss Bobby's old house.

I guess I must had fallen asleep case we stopped at a motel. Dean pulled up next to a car. My face lit up when I recognize that old car. I jumped off the bike and looked to Dean. He grabbed my hand and led me to a door. He banged on it. It open to reveal Sam. His face relaxed when he saw us. He grabbed Deaa. I ran inside to Bobby. I jumped in his arms and held him close. I eventually let go and turned to Sam. I did the same to him. I let go and smiled.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Bobby asked.

"Long story." I laughed. I went to go lay down on the bed. Before I fell asleep. I called Sam.

"I don't know how you put up with him. Living with him the past six months was hell." We laughed. Sam tucked me in and I was out. But I still heard Dean's smart remark.

"I'm a delight." I smiled to myself and floated off to sleep.

I woke up what seemed like a couple minutes later to Dean waking me up.

"Come on. We're leaving. We're going home." He helped me sit up and then stand. I was still mainly asleep but with his help I made it to the backseat of Bobby's car. Dean climbed in beside me. Bobby Crunk the car up and drove. Dean and I we're telling them all about our experience in the six months. But keeping the intimate part a secret.

"The only thing I'm going to miss is the bathroom and the closet." I said.

"I'm going to miss the food room." I rolled my eyes. Then I had to ask.

"How is she doing?"

"Shes doing good. She's adjusted to the outside world pretty nice. Your sister's are also back in school. They still home schooled for now. But things are getting back on track." Bobby answered me. "I know your mom is going to be glad when you get back. I know she couldn't have it if you weren't there." He said the last part to himself. Then he realized what he said.


"Have what?" I leaned up a little bit. Sam looked out the window avoiding me.

"The wedding." I cocked my head. "Your mother and I are getting maried." I looked at Dean and then Sam.

"It's been six freaking months. That's not long enough to get to know each other."

"Yes but you know in this life we don't get a long life span. We jump at the opportunity if given." Bobby argued. I sat back.

"What does my sister think about that?" He didn't say anything. This time Sam did.

"They and myself gave our blessings." I looked out the window.

"I'm not gonna call you dad if that's what you gettin at. Ya idjit." I kept looking out the window. I couldn't help but be happy for my mom. Bobby was at good guy. He'll make my mom happy and she'll make him happy. I reached up and pulled my hair into a messy bun. Things won't be totally back to normal. But at least it will be good changes. I sat back. I glanced over at Dean. He had his eyes closed and leaning against the door. Or maybe things won't change and progress. They'll just go back to the beginning. I rolled my eyes at him and looked back out the window.

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