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I woke up from my nap with blaze licking my face.

"Gross Blaze." I push the big dog off the bed. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and mouth. That dog I swear. I reached for a towel to dry my face off. I stood staring in the mirror. Bags were under my eyes. My eyes weren't bright like they use to be. I had more scars on my body then anyone I know. I even have a gunshot wound on my shoulder. But all for my mother. I sigh at the reclection. Turning the lights off I went back downstairs. The boys and Bobby were still in the office. The girls still doing school work. I went to sit on the couch in the office. I grabbed a book and open it. I laid on my stomach and lifted my feet in the air involuntarily. I was turning pages when Sam spoke.

"I think I got something." We all looked at him.

"The collector demon likes to keep his collection in a comfy living situation. They tend to take over abandoned boarding houses or sometimes small motels." We all looked to one another.

"Next question is where is he at?" I crossed my arms over my chest. They all looked at eachother and broke apart. Sam and Dean got on the cumputer as Bobby got on the phone. they were checking missing person reports. They started talking at once. Bobby grabbed a map and they started drawing on it. I stepped over to them.

"These are the places that people went missing. And only thing left was that weird symbol." I looked at it. Then I noticed something.

"That's where my mom lived." I point at one red circle. I also noticed the pattern. The red circles formed a bigger circle.

"Look at the placement. They all surround a town." I bent down and read the name.

"Well boys looks like we going down south." They looked at me and each other. I walked out the room and upstairs to my sisters room. I told them everything we discovered.

"How we know he's still there?" Emily asked. I sat on Jacky's bed. I looked over at Em.

"Its the only lead we have Emily. We never been this close to finding her until now." I plead with y eyes. She sighed and agreed. I smiled at her. Jax got up and grabbed her bag and through Emily hers. I got up and went to walk to the room I'm staying in. I sat on the bed and going through my phone. I plugged my earphones and turned up the music. I sat on the bed next to my bag and pulled out my tethered notebook and pen. I began writing a short story that I do sometimes. I write poems some as well. I never really been a diary type of girl.

I sat there lost in my own world when a bag landed next to me startled me. I looked up to see Dean smirking. I glared at him and shut my book. I saw his mouth moving. I pulled out one of my buds.

"Yeah?" I raised,an eyebrow.

"Whatcha got there?" I quickly shoved the notebook vac into my bag and looked up at him.

"Nothing." I gave him a blank look.

"It didn't look like nothing." I glared at him again.

"Its none of your business what it is." He smirked the annoying smirk. He is so aggrevating.

"Dear Diary, today I found out I'm totally head over heels in love with Dean Winchester." He used his girl voice. He still sounded hot. What?!

"What the hell? Umm no!"

"Hes so amazing and sexy. Oh those eyes. *sigh* and that arse."

"God could you be even more annoying." I grabbed my bag and phone and went to walk out the room. I turned back to him smiling at me with humor.

"I'm probably the only girl you ever met that doesn't th I k that about you." Most of the time. I kept that last bit to myself and walked out. I went to the bathroom to get a shower.

After my nice relaxing hot shower. I dried off and got dressed. I walked out if the bathroom and ing my shared room. Dean was laying in the bed, which I'm assuming asleep. I laid my beg down on the floor. I looked around for Blaze.

"Hes in the room with your sisters." His eyes were still closed.

"I thought you was asleep." I walked over to the bed. He open his eyes up and looked at me. I stare back at his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes tha held so much emotion. Pain, hurt, loneliness, sadness, love, compassion, and even pritectiveness. I swallowed. Was about to speak when he got up. He wouldn't look at me anymore. He scratched the back of his head and went to the door. I turned to him.

"I'm going out for a bit. I..uh..yeah." he closed the door behind him. What the hell was that? I climbed onto my side of the bed and grabbed my huge pillow. I love my body pillow. I wrapped myself in the blanket. I closed my eyes to try to go to sleep. Didn't work. I looked at my phone. 11:30. I kept tossing and turning for hours. Why couldn't I sleep? I threw back the covers. I was about to go get Blaze when i heard the bedroom doorknob turn. I lay back down and rolled on my side facing the wall. He climbed in the bed and laid down behing me. I felt him moving some more till he settled down. I stated at the wall debating. Debating on rather I should stay where I was or roll over. I could tell he wasn't asleep yet.

"I like to write short stories and poetry." I never told anyone that before. Well my mom and sisters know but they don't count.

"Did you want to become a writer?" I rolled over to look at him. He looked over at me.

"Honestly I started as an escape when I was younger but then I thought it would be cool to be an author. But I k ow I'm not good enough to be published. What about you? If you could be anything else besides a hunter what would you be?"

"Dont laugh but I would be a ballerina." I widen my eyes at him. He busted out laughing. "No I'm joking. But I never really thought about it. All I've ever known is hunting." He looked at the ceiling.

"There has to be something. I mean Sam went to school to be a lawyer."

"Yeah I guess Sammy and I like the idea of helping people. So I'll go with something that helps people." He looked back at me.

"You could be a fireman. You help people and look hot doing it."

"You trying to say I look hot?" He bit back a smile.

"Just the opposite." I smirked at him.

"Whatever. You know you was trying to call me hot." He gloated.

"No I didn't. I don't need to fuel your already big ego." We laid there talking, joking, and laughing for what seemed like forever.

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