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"Did you enjoy your party?" My grandmother asked, "yeah it was cool" I played around with my food. "Malak what's on your mind?" She knew me so well.

"Nothing I'm fine" I looked down at my lap, "don't play with me boy what's the problem!" She grabbed my hand. "Today's moms anniversary..that's all!" I looked up.

She sighed "I know you miss her a lot we all do but we must pull threw it for her!" She pulled me into a hug. "She would want the best for you".


Sitting in the hotel room last night replayed over and over in my head I was leaving in a couple of hours to go back to Ohio.

Today I was gonna go meet my mom for lunch before I left. I got out of bed holding onto the necklace Malak got for me when we were 5.

Combing threw my hair I was finally ready to meet my mom. Once my uber arrived I headed out to the diner. Once I got their she was waiting.

My mom stood 5,5 but in heels 5,7 she had soft caramel skin and long black hair. My mom was 6 months pregnant by her new husband.

When she seen me a smile spread across her face. "My beautiful daughter has arrived!" She chuckled as I went in for a hug.

"Hello mom" I smile her arms were warm just like when I was little,we sat in a booth and began talking. "I heard Malak had a party did you attend?" My mother asked.

"I did" i looked threw the menu,"did you guys catch up its been years!" I sigh "no he doesn't remember me.." She lifted my chin.

"Don't worry about it, it's been a long time maybe he's nervous" she was right what if he just didn't want to talk to me. "Yeah that could be it".

After talking about the party situation we ate. "I can't wait till these baby's  come out!" She sighs rubbing her belly. My mom was having twins both girls.

"When will I ever meet your new husband? since dad wouldn't let me go to the wedding" I rolled my eyes.

"Well summer is arriving soon why don't you come down for the summer the girls will be here" she smiles, I pouted.

"I'm not your baby anymore" she rubs my cheek softly "your still my baby your just my big baby" she chuckles. We paid and headed outside.

"Call me when you get on the plane and home safely" my mother kissed my cheek 4 times before kissing my forehead. "I love you be safe!" She shouted as I left.

Hellooo everyone loved the last chapter thank you for all the feedback.

This chapter was written by
yungtiller_ 💕 sorry for any mistakes made in this chapter

Between The Lines Malak vs. Jaden Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin